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The next three months went by quickly.

Harry and Anna's relationship was back on track. Everything was great. She even paid for him to get his hair cut properly.

It was now July 1st.

Anna was standing in the bathroom, nervously waiting.

She held the plastic item in her hand, her pulse racing. It must work this time, she thought.

She looked down. The word appeared that she was so desperate to see.


"Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! She cried.

Harry was at work, oblivious to what had just happened.

Her plan had worked.

She had been tampering with the condoms they'd used. Harry, of course, had no idea. Anna had always been the one to put them on him, right from the start of the relationship. So she carried on, but made sure there were holes in them. She was always the one to take them off and discard them too.

She felt so happy. But she wasn't going to tell anyone just yet.


"You seem very happy tonight Anna!" Harry said as they ate their dinner at the table.

"Well, it's been a beautiful day Harry. What's not to be happy about?"

Harry smiled and carried on eating.

"I was wondering though...maybe you could get a second job, just for an extra bit of cash?"

Harry looked over at her, confused. "Why do we need extra cash? We're doing ok aren't we?"

"Yes, but, you know it's always good to have a bit more, then we could save up for that holiday we've always dreamed of!"

Harry thought for a moment. "Did you have anything in mind?"

"Well, they always need shelf stackers at the supermarkets, that would fit around working at the bakery?"

"Ok... I'll have a look around tomorrow."

The rest of the evening was normal. Watching TV, cuddled up on the sofa, sex, then sleep.


The next day was a Saturday. Harry got up early and went job searching.

Tesco was his third place to try, and lucky for him, he was offered a job, as a nightshift shelf stacker. He'd be working Friday to Tuesday from 10pm til 6am. It was long hours and the pay wasn't great, but he just kept thinking of that holiday.


"I'm so proud of you Harry! Well done!" Anna said, hugging him as he told her his news. "When do you start?"

"Friday. I hope Nick is ok about me having a second job." He worried.

"Yeah... he's a good guy, he'll be fine."


Nick was fine about it, luckily. But he was worried about Harry taking on too much.

"Don't wear yourself out Harry, don't want you collapsing on the job."

"I'll be fine. I can get by with little sleep."

Nick wasn't convinced. He'd make sure Harry wasn't doing too much. He told Olly to keep an eye on him too.


It was a Monday at 3am. Harry was busy in Tesco, stacking shelves full of biscuits.

His back was aching and he was tired.

He'd been at the supermarket for a month now. It was working out well. He made a few new friends too.

He looked at his watch and sighed. He still had 3 hours to go here, then a two hour break before he was due at the bakery.

He was so pleased when he clocked off at 6.

He wandered from one end of town to the other.

He felt so tired.

He got to the bakery at 6.20. Nick had given him a key to the shop so he could let himself in and rest a bit before his bakery shift began.

He let himself in and slumped straight in a chair in the staffroom.

Within two minutes, he was asleep.

At 7.30, Olly arrived with Nick. They went into the staffroom, finding Harry in the chair, snoring.

They took their jackets off, and Olly put his apron on and went out to the counter.

"I think he's doing too much!" Olly said as he switched the coffee machines on.

"I do too. I've told him, but you know he never listens." Nick replied. "He's a stubborn so and so."

"I should go wake him up." Olly said as he started to walk, but Nick grabbed his arm.

"Let him sleep. He needs it. I'll help out here for a bit." Olly nodded and turned the sign on the door to 'OPEN'.

Harry woke up and panicked. He ran out to the counter.

"Oh god I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep. I'm so sorry. Oh god."

"Harry calm down. It's ok. You're exhausted. I let you sleep." Nick said.

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his short hair. "Thankyou it won't happen again, I promise."

It didn't.

The routine carried on. Harry never had a full day off anymore. Anna only did four days a week. It seemed unfair to Harry, but he wanted to please her, keep her happy, and he wanted that holiday!

 It seemed unfair to Harry, but he wanted to please her, keep her happy, and he wanted that holiday!

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(Sorry, just saw this pic on twitter and had to post it and say oh my god...how beautiful is he? 💞💞💞)

I am sooooo sorry!
I know you didn't want Anna to get pregnant.

Don't hate me. 😢

More tomorrow

All the love 💞💞💞

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