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"Unky Hawwy! Unky Hawwy!" Sam cried, shoving Harry who was still on the floor in his room.

Harry groaned, and opened his eyes. He saw a scared looking Sam sat next to him, crying.


"Unky Hawwy. Me thirsty." Sam had no idea that Harry had just been beaten by his girlfriend.

"Uh. Yeah. Ok." He moaned as he tried to pick himself up.

He was in so much pain. Apart from a red mark on his face from the slap Anna gave him, his other injuries were mainly to his chest and back.

After a few minutes and quite a struggle, Harry was standing.

He found it difficult to catch his breath, sure he had broken some ribs.

"Wait here... I'll get you water." He managed to say, as he started walking very slowly towards the stairs.

He only made it down the first two steps when he was overcome by dizziness. Before he could do anything else, he passed out and ended up at the bottom of the stairs.

Sam heard the noise of Harry falling and ran out of the room.

He panicked when he saw his uncle laying in an uncomfortable position at the bottom.

He ran to the spare room finding Harry's phone, grabbed it and walked slowly down to him.

He shoved him, but got no response. He was scared and crying. He remembered Harry telling him if there was an emergency to call 999.

"Emergency which service do you require?" A lady's voice asked.

"My unky is hurt." Sam cried.

"Ok love. Can you tell me, is your uncle breathing?"

"I don't know. He fell downstairs. Help me please."

"What's your name love?" The lady asked.


"Ok Sam. My name is Jo. There's an ambulance on it's way. Try not to panic. When you hear them at the door, you let them in."

"Uh...ok. I can't wake him up." He whimpered.

"Is there anyone else at home?"

"No. Mummy in ospital having baby. I'm gonna be a big bruvva!" He said proudly.

"What about an Auntie?"

"I don't know where she is. I'm scared."

Just then there was a knock at the door, Sam ran and opened it, letting two paramedics inside.

"The doctor's here now." Sam said to Jo.

"Ok honey. Well done for calling and looking after your uncle. You take care bye bye." She said.

"Bye bye Jo." He replied and hung up the phone.

The paramedics were checking Harry over. He was put on a stretcher and carried out to the ambulance. Sam sat in a seat next to Harry.

"Is he dead?" He said wiping his runny nose.

"No sweetheart. He's not. He's a bit poorly though."


At the hospital, Harry was taken to A&E. A social worker had been called to take care of Sam until they could get hold of his parents.

"Sam...you said your Mummy was having a baby?"

"Yes. I'm gonna be a big bruvva." He yawned. It was now 4am, he was tired.

"Do you know what Mummy and daddy's names are? What's your last name?" The social worker, James asked.

"Mummy Gemma, Daddy is Roman, it's a funny name." He giggled. "My last name is Kemp."

"Good boy. Well done for remembering that. Thank you. We're going to see if they're in this hospital ok?"  Sam smiled.

A nurse took down the information and left the room.


Meanwhile... Harry had just woken up.

He was confused. He glanced around the room. He was in hospital.

He groaned as he tried to move. His head was killing him.

"Hey Harry. Take it easy. You've got a nasty head injury.

Harry lifted a hand and felt a massive bump and cut on his forehead. That's why he had a headache from hell.

"What happened?" He whispered.

"You fell down stairs in your home. You're nephew found you. He's a right little hero." The nurse replied, checking his obs.

"Is he ok? He's not hurt?" He panicked.

"No. He's fine, just very tired. We're trying to find his parents. Do you know which hospital they went to?"

"I... I can't remember. Sorry. My head hurts." He groaned, rubbing his temples.

"I'll get you some painkillers."

"Thank you." He rested his head back on the pillow.

"Here you go. You got some quite nasty bruises from your fall. You have two broken ribs, so you need a few days bed rest." She explained, handing him some pills.

Realisation hit him...hard.

He remembered how Anna beat him. She didn't throw him down the stairs though, she wasn't that strong. How could he let her beat him. He was bigger and stronger, but he just stood there and let her beat him up. Did she hit his head with something? He let tears fall from his eyes.

"Do you have my phone?" He asked.

"Yes your nephew used it to call the ambulance. Here you go." She handed Harry the phone and switched it on.

He saw his lockscreen. It was a photo of the whole family all smiling.

He opened up his contact list and scrolled down to a name.

He tapped on the name and heard it ring.

It rang a few times before he heard a familiar voice, sounding very sleepy.

"Harry? It's 4.30! Are you ok?" He worried.

Harry started crying.

"Lou.... I'm in hospital. Please...can you come?" He struggled to speak.

"Hospital? What happened?"

"Please...just...I need you!" He sobbed.

"Ok. I'm on my way." He hung up, scrambling to get out of bed and get dressed. He was out the door in two minutes, he jumped into his car, and put his foot down.

He arrived at the hospital and found Harry's room. He walked in and saw his little brother, laying in bed.

"Harry....what the fuck happened?"

Third update today .. I'm on a roll.

Harry in Miami last night with those girls... he's so bloody cute and gorgeous 💞💞💞

All the love 💞💞💞

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