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"Put the kids in the car, Ro, I'm phoning Lou!" Gemma panicked, nearly dropping her phone, her hands were shaking so much.

"Lou...you need to come to Harry's now!"

"Woah! Calm down a sec Gem, what's going on?"

"Anna is a crazy bitch that's what. I'll explain when you get here, bring your spare key and be quick, please!"

"On my way!" Louis hung up.

He grabbed the spare key, his car keys, put his shoes on and raced out the door. He was at Harry's two minutes later.

He stepped out of his car.

"Thank god!" Gemma pulled Louis over to her car.

"What's happened? Is Harry ok?" Louis fretted.

Harry was sat on his bedroom floor. He had raked through a drawer and found the scissors that Anna had used to cut his hair. Somehow they never made it back down to the kitchen.

He looked at the shiny blades.

His eyes glassed over.

His life was crap, always had been.

The world would be a much better place without him...

"She's done what!" Louis whisper shouted. "Fucking bitch! I'm not having this!"

Louis went up to the front door and put the key in the lock. He turned it and opened it.

He had a quick look around, seeing Anna sitting in the garden, reading a book. Heartless bitch!

Louis motioned for Gemma to follow him as they went up the stairs.

They went straight to Harry's room, knowing that is where he would be.

They could hear crying.

Louis tapped quietly on the door. "Harry love... it's Lou and Gem. Let us in, you're coming to my house."

It took a few minutes of convincing before they heard Harry moving the furniture away from the door.

Louis turned the knob and the door opened.

Louis and Gemma both gasped as Harry fainted.

His wrists were cut, his arms covered in blood.

"Shit Harry!" Louis said as he picked him up and hurried down the stairs, Gemma shaking behind him.

"I'll take him to the hospital in my car, you follow?" Louis said as he placed Harry in his passenger seat, buckling him in.

He drove off, Roman's car close behind.

Anna had no idea what had just happened.


Louis and Gemma sat next to Harry's bed.

"So... there's no serious damage to his veins or anything?" Louis asked the doctor.

"No. Luckily he missed the veins. There might be slight muscle damage though. I see he has schizophrenia. How's that been lately?"

"This isn't anything to do with this. He had some upsetting news today." Gemma responded. "His girlfriend is the one who needs to be locked up in a mental institution." She was so angry at what Anna had done.

"Is it something the police need to be involved in?" The doctor asked.

"I... I don't know. I don't think so." She replied. That was something they needed to look into.

"Ok....well I'm sorry but he is going to need assessing, before we can let him go."

"But this was a cry for help. He wouldn't want to commit suicide!" Louis cried.

"I'm sorry, it's standard procedure. I have to go now. I'll get the psychiatrist to see him soon." The doctor left.

As he left, Liam and Lucy came in. Gemma had called them on the way to the hospital.

"Oh my god Harry!" Lucy cried as soon as she saw her baby boy in the bed, his wrists bandaged up.

Louis was sobbing now. Liam hugged him, as they cried together. Gemma hugged Lucy. They were all so shaken up by this.

They never ever thought that Harry could end up in this situation.

Gemma explained whole thing to Liam and Lucy who sat in shock the whole time.

They always thought that Anna was a kind, caring, loving girlfriend for Harry.

But finding out about the baby, and him overworking, made them feel sick with guilt.

"I had my suspicions there was something not quite right with her, I wish I had known what she was up to." Louis said, shaking his head.

"Don't blame yourself love. None of us had any real idea what he's gone through. One thing's for certain, he isn't going back to her." Liam said, rubbing Louis' back.


Harry had woken up, and been assessed.

He was currently feeling like shit. He felt bad for doing what he did. He felt awful for upsetting his family. He felt sick because of Anna.

Harry cried throughout the assessment. He was put on a higher dose of antidepressants.

He was allowed to go, as long as he wasn't left alone for the next week. That wouldn't happen.

Two days later, he was at Louis' and there was no way he would leave him.

"I'm not an invalid, Lou." Harry whispered as Louis placed a cup of tea in front of him and plumped his cushion up.

"I know love. I'm just being a good brother." He smiled as he sat down beside him, cuddling up, as they watched a movie.

"Thank you." Harry said.

"It's only tea." Louis smiled.

"No...I mean...thank you...for letting me stay here and for saving me." Harry tried not to cry again. He'd done way too much of that lately.

"You can stay as long as you want to. Just promise me, you'll never go back to her?"

"What about...what about the baby?"

"We'll deal with that soon. Let's just deal with getting you better."

"Love you Lou."

"Love you too Haz."

Sorry, I'm feeling a bit depressed x

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