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This photo ⬆️is from the show I saw in London. Best night of my life! 💞💞💞

It was Guy Fawkes night.

Harry hated fireworks, they scared the crap out of him. Louis had persuaded him to come out to a fireworks display though.

"You can go without me. I won't mind." Harry said as Louis got his shoes on.

"Harry. There's nothing to be scared of, and we'll all be with you."

"I... I don't know Lou. I don't want to ruin the night if I freak out." He worried.

"You could never ruin anything love." Louis replied as he stood up and walked towards Harry.

"We'll go but if you really don't want to stay then I'll bring you straight home. Ok?"

Harry put on a fake smile.

Truth is when Harry was five, his Daddy took him into their nettle filled garden and set fireworks off so close that he got burns. He still has scars from them. They're not very noticeable and nobody mentioned them before.

Since he's been with the Payne's, whenever they went to firework displays or had their own at home, Harry would either stay indoors, hiding in his room, or would cling to someone, hands covering his ears and eyes closed.

Louis was so keen on going, that Harry didn't want to disappoint him.

So...he put on his shoes and got his coat, hat and gloves on.

He sighed. "I'm ready."

Louis smiled as they left home and drove into town where the display was taking place.

They parked and went to find the rest of the family.


"You ok Harry?" Niall asked, noticing how quiet he was being.

Harry nodded and moved closer to Louis.

The fireworks were due to start in half an hour. Harry just wanted it over.

There were hundreds and hundreds of people talking, drinking and having a good time, then there was Harry.

Harry wasn't good with crowds. He wasn't good with lots of noise.

For the next half an hour, he didn't move from Louis' side, gripping his arm for dear life.

Louis kept making him loosen his grip, only for him to tighten it again.

"Harry...not so tight love. It's starting soon, then we can go home."

There was the bonfire procession first. It started a couple of miles away, going through the next town along, before making it's way here. There were floats full of Happy people dressed up in funny costumes, music playing and torches of fire being waved.

The procession made it's way into the field, where the unlit bonfire was waiting for the torches to be thrown onto it.

Soon enough the fire started, people cheered and clapped as an ephigy of Guy Fawkes went up in flames.

Five minutes after the fire commenced, the firework display started.

Harry jumped at the first bang. He held onto to Louis, petrified.

Everyone had their eyes on the sky. Flash after flash, bang after bang.

Harry's heart was banging in time to the fireworks. He closed his eyes. He screamed and cried, but nobody heard him.

He was panicking, his mind returning to that night with his Daddy.

The display lasted ten minutes. To Harry, it seemed to last years.

It was over. Smoke filled the sky.

The crowd cheered and clapped.

Louis was laughing with Niall. He looked towards Harry, who was cowering, his head buried in Louis' arm, fingers digging into his coat. He was visibly shaking. He was pale and hyperventilating.

"Shit!" Louis gasped, trying to pull Harry off of his arm. "Help me Niall."

Niall managed to pull Harry away. "Harry. Are you ok?"

Harry didn't reply.

"We need to get him out of here." Louis said, in shock.

The rest of the family were stood elsewhere.

Louis and Niall managed to drag Harry through the hoards of people out to where Louis' car was.

The sat him in the back seat, Louis sat next to him, as Niall crouched at the door.

"Harry love talk to me. I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you and stayed home."

Harry's breathing had calmed down, but he was still shaking and pale.

"Home." Harry said.

"Yeah of course. We just need to let the others know." Louis looked at Niall, who nodded.

Niall called Liam, explaining the situation.

"I'll drive, you stay there with Harry." He said as he got in the driver's seat.

The drive home was quiet. Louis felt so guilty for taking Harry despite him not wanting to go.


Once back home. Niall stayed for a while, as he was so worried too.

Louis was sat on the sofa, Harry's head on Louis' lap, running his fingers through his hair.

"You sure you'll be ok if I go now?" Niall whispered, noticing Harry was falling asleep.

Louis nodded. "Yes. Thanks for helping. I feel awful for this. I'll take care of him."

"He'll forgive you, I'm sure. Take care of yourselves. Love ya Lou. Goodnight."

"Night Niall."

Niall left the house and took a taxi home.

Louis sat and watched Harry sleep. He hoped he would forgive him when he wakes up.

Not sure about this chapter.

Who likes fireworks?

All the love 💞💞💞

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