On to Washington

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Today was mine and Kelley's last day in California. She had to go to New Jersey and I had to go to Maryland where the Washington Spirit were based out of. Kelley and I decided to rent a u-haul and drive cross country as a last hurrah before we get separated for months at a time.

I put the last of the boxes in the U-haul and called up for Brooklyn and Kelley. Brooklyn came running down followed closely by Kelley.

"Alright Kel. You ready to go?"

she took one last look at the apartment we shared for a couple years and the sighed. She turned around and walked toward me and wrapped her arms around my waist and put her head on my chest.

"Yah I'm ready speedy"

She let go and then went to the passenger side to open the door for Brooklyn and then got into the passenger seat. I started the car and drove away.

Four hours into the drive Kelley wanted to stop to go to the bathroom so I pulled over and we both went to the bathroom. I came back first so I took Brooklyn to pee as well and Kelley came back out a few minutes later.

"Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"


I had absolutely no idea if there was a chipotle nearby but there was no way I was saying no to her puppy dog eyes.

"Yah lets go"

I pulled up chipotle on my phone and 45 minutes later I pulled into the parking lot of a chipotle. Kelley got out and I opened the windows for Brooklyn. I went inside and Kelley was already ordering. I wasn't hungry so I just sat down and waited for her.

"How come you didn't get anything?"

"Im not really hungry."

Kelley ate real quick and went to the bathroom while I let Brooklyn walk around for a little. Kelley came back and we got on the road again.

It was a quiet ride and I could tell something was on Kelley's mind.

"Kel, what's on your mind"


"Come on Kel, I know when somethings on your mind"

She turned her body so that she wasn't facing out the window but now she was facing me. She took the hand I had resting on the middle console and she held it.

"I'm gonna miss the hell out of you and we're finally at that place again where we cool and we're basically dating without actually dating and I was praying that we would somehow end up on the same team so that I didn't have to let you go again but I guess this is the Universe's way of telling me that you and I are meant to be friends. I love you Reece and I know your gonna do great things at Washington and Im surprised you weren't the first pick in the draft but I'm also glad that your not on the other side of the country. So thats what's on my mind. Can we stop for some tater tots?"

My mouth hung slightly open at everything that Kelley just said because I had no idea how to respond. Yes, I was sad that we weren't on the same team but I was expecting it. Jersey and Washington are two of the closest teams and I know that I would be seeing her a lot more often than I would be seeing Tobin, or my brother, or Caroline who got drafted by the Red stars.

I didn't know what to say to Kelley to make her feel better so I just held her hand and took her to get Tater tots at the nearest Sonic. We decided to sit and eat at the park benches nearby and let Brooklyn run around for a little. We decided we were going to let my brother take care of Brooklyn so were stopping by Georgia to drop him off.

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