School and tryouts take 2

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I woke up this morning to my brother yelling. I finally got those curtains.

Yesterday after Kelley and I woke up from our nap I helped her with trig for a while and left.

I got out of bed and did my daily routine. I threw on some shorts and a shirt because lord knows I wasn't trying. I grabbed my soccer bag and made my way downstairs. My mom was sitting at the island eating breakfast and my brother was getting orange juice.

"Good morning fam"

"Buenas días mija"

"Hey Mikey"

"Hey. Do you want some orange juice?"

"Nah I'm ok I have to head out. I'll see you guys later"

With that said I'm out the door and in my jeep making my way next door to kelleys. I honk the horn and a minute later she's out the door. She was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and had some sunglasses on.

"Hey sunshine" I said.

"I hate school"

She took off her sunglasses and I could see the bags under her eyes. She still looked really cute though.

"How long did you stay up?"

"All night. I know I told you I understood the trig stuff. But I didn't. It was getting late and you needed to go and I didn't want you to lose sleep because of me."

"Kel I would lose sleep over you any day. Now look we both have free periods after lunch so if you want I can help you then. And if you still don't get it I can help you after soccer too. Ok?"

"You really are my hero"

"Well I try"

I shrugged my shoulders and started the car. Kelley fell asleep right after our conversation. We still had half an hour until school started so I stopped by Starbucks and got us some coffees because I know she's gonna need one if she's planning on staying awake today.

I got to school and let Kelley sleep for another ten minutes until I thought it was a good time to wake her up. I handed her the coffee and grabbed her bag. She laid her head on my chest and I swear I got butterflies.

"Thank you"

"Of course. What are friends for"

We walked to English and sat down at our desks. I put her bag down by her seat and got my notebook out. I decided that today I would take notes because Kelley was not in the right mind to be doing anything so I'll let her doze off.

Three hours later and it's the end of lunch. Kelley and I decided to go to the library so I could help her with trig. We sat down at an empty table and Kelley got her notebook out.

"Ahh shoot. I didn't take any notes during English"

"Don't worry about it. I knew you would doze off so I took notes"

"You are the best. I hope you know that"

We went over trig for almost 2 hours until Kelley had to go to another class.

After school I told Kelley to meet me in the locker room and I went to the jeep to grab our bags.

"Here is your soccer bag"


I grabbed my cleats and walked out to the field. Coach was setting up cones and I grabbed a ball and started juggling. I did a couple tricks and then put the ball away when I heard the whistle.

"Okay ladies. We're doing what we did yesterday except the drills will be different and instead of passing we're doing fitness. Let's go"

The drills today focused on receiving inside the box, defense and crosses. Fitness wasn't to bad. At least I thought. We had to run a mile and then do sprints, planks, and the ladder. Apparently some freshmen passed out.

The scrimmage started yet again but this time Kelley was on the other team. We started with the ball and I passed it back the Cheney. She passed it to a sophomore who passed a long ball to me. I got a touch on it and I was one on one with Kelley. She looked at me and I quickly megged her and made my way towards the goal. The goalie came out too soon and I was able to chip it over her.

The scrimmage ended after I scored four more goals and my team won 7-3. Kelley wasn't too happy about that meg. I heard the whistle and everyone hudled around the coach.

"Ok ladies. We're still seconding on a couple people so we will send you emails tonight regarding the team that you have made. Go home and get some rest."

I spotted Kelley and walked towards her. I put my arm around her shoulders.

"Soo that meg tho"

She playfully pushed me away and got my arm.

"Oh shut up. I got distracted"

I rose my eyebrows.
"Distracted by what kel"

"Oh just shut it"

I smiled as I sat down to take off my cleats. Kelley and I walked towards my jeep.

"Ok so I was thinking I drop you off at your house I go home take a shower and then I go back over to your house"

"Sounds good. I'd rather take a nap with you when your nice and clean"

We talked for a little until I dropped her off. I drove to my house and went to take a quick shower.


Kel: if you get to my house before I'm done with my shower just come in and make yourself at home!!

I replied to the message and made my way towards kelleys house. I knocked but no answer so she must still be in the shower. I walked in and went to her room. I sat down on the bed and went through my phone. She came out of the bathroom a little while later.

"Ahhhhh holy crap. When the hell did you get here"

"Uhh just a couple minutes ago"

"You scared the shit out of me"

"Uhh yah I can tell"

"Oh now don't get smart with me"

I held my hands up in surrender and made an innocent face.

"Don't think I don't what your doing. Your not as innocent as you may appear"

"Uh kel"


"You planning on putting some clothes on anytime soon"

She looked down and blushed. She quickly walked out of the room and can back a couple minutes later with some clothes on.

"Ok now its nap time"

"A nap sounds good to me"

Kelley hopped on the bed and cuddled into my side.

"This should be an everyday thing. I like taking naps with you"

I could feel myself blushing. Why yes I would love to take naps with you. Before I could finally go to sleep both of our phones buzz. I reach for mine as Kelley reaches for hers.

"I made varsity"

"So did I"



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