Dont worry

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I woke up and was immediately blessed with the beautiful sleeping Kelley. She looked so cute when she was asleep. Hell she looks cute all the time.

I got out of her embrace and went to make her breakfast. This has turned into a routine. I wake up before her and make breakfast before we go off to our classes for the day. She usually comes down as I'm about to finish and right on cue I feel her wrap her arms around me from behind.

"Morning beautiful"

"Morning speedy"

I turned around and handed her a plate with her chocolate chip pancakes, eggs and sausages. I put some food for brooklyn and joined her at the table.

"We have practice at 3 today. That's right after your economics class. So I'll meet you there or do you want me to pick you up?"

"Can you pick me up"

"Of course beautiful"

We finished she stood up kissed my cheek and took our plates to the kitchen. I grabbed our bags and hand in hand we went to the car.



"I love you"

I looked at her and smiled.

"I love you too"

She took my free hand.

"Reece you have no idea how much I care about you and appreciate you"


"No i need to tell you something"


"While you were gone I did somethings I'm not proud of"

I pulled the car into an empty parking lot because I think I knew where this was heading.

"What did you do"

"I was really mad and I got drunk a couple times and"

"Kelley stop. Before you keep going. Don't. I did something really bad in Costa Rica and you had the right to be mad. I understand so whatever your gonna say. Don't."

I saw a tear fall down her cheek and I wiped it.

"I love you kelley. And I'm sorry for what I did."

The rest of the car ride was silent. I dropped Kelley off at her class and proceeded to mine. I'm not gonna lie I kinda wanna know what she did but i don't deserve to know. Especially if I might get mad because I don't deserve to be mad.

The day went on. I picked her up for practice. Emily kept hitting on me. Kelley and I had been quiet the entire day after our talk. We went home after practice and she went to take a shower. I went and took one in the other bathroom. When I was done Kelley was on the couch snuggled with Brooklyn, watching a movie. I went and sat next to her and rubbed her back.



"Is it something you need to get off your chest"

She sat up and I could tell her eyes started watering. So whatever she did I don't think it's good.

"Reece I was pissed, at you especially. So wen i got here I went to parties and i got mad drunk."

She started tearing up a little and I could feel my heart sink into my chest.

"I slept around a lot before you got back and I'm sorry. I know you told me that you were gonna be back but I was so mad. I'm so sorry Speedy I'm so sorry."

At this point she was full on sobbing. I stood up and walked to our room. I opened the drawer and grabbed something. A bracelet she had given me a couple weeks after I moved in. I walked back out to her.

"Kelley look at me"

She looked at me and I wiped her tears with my thumb.

"Do you remember when you gave this to me."

She looked at the bracelet

"A couple weeks after you moved in"

"Yah and it was also the day I realized I was in love with you. Kelley I have never stopped loving you not even for a second. What you did doesn't change anything. I'm still in love with you."

She stopped crying and I finished wiping her tears. I pulled her into me and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you kelley"

"I love you too Speedy"

I took her face in my hands and kissed her. She shrunk back into my arms and we fell asleep like that. With the love of my life in my arms.

My best friendOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz