Screw up

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It was a cool brisk night and i was only an hour into my walk. All I could think about was Kelley and what I just screwed up. Kelley is the love of my life and I will stop at nothing to get her back. I knew she didn't want to talk over the phone so I decided to call my brother. He picked up after three rings.

"Hey Mikey"

"Hey reece. Whats up?"

"I screwed up Mikey. I screwed up bad"

"What happened"

"I got drunk and one of my teammates kissed me but Kelley saw it and now she's pissed and its all my fault because I let myself get drunk and I did a stupid thing."

"Jesus Reece. You did screw up"

"I know."

"Listen reece. I know how much you love Kelley and I know she knows it too. Did you kiss this teammate back?"


"Then you didn't screw up as bad as you think. You may have been drunk but you were sober enough to not kiss her back."

"Thanks Mikey"

"Yah no problem. I gotta go tho. I have a big game tomorrow."

"Alright. Good night and good luck"

"Thanks reece"

I hung up. I was about to call Tobin too but my phone ran out of battery. I shoved it into my back pocket and continued walking though the park. There were no clouds in the sky so all the stars were visible and the crickets were chirping loudly and every once in a while i would hear an owl hoot. I was approaching the playground in the park when I heard a twig sip behind me. I turned around to look but someone had already tackled me to the ground. They punched me in the face and I started to lose consciousness. I threw a couple punches though hoping that it would scare them away. The attacker got up and kicked me in the stomach a couple times before checking my pockets and running off.

I regained my breathing and helped myself onto the bottom of the slide. I laid my head back and looked up at the stars thinking about Kelley before everything went black.

I woke up to drops of water hitting my face. I blinked a couple times and sat up. I was still on the slide and it appeared to be raining. I got up from the slide and there was a shooting pain in my ribs. I winced and my eye hurt as well. I took out my dead phone and checked my eye. It was black and I had a swollen and busted lip. There was a cut right above my left eye that sees to have stopped bleeding but there was dried blood going down my face. I began walking towards the apartment once again. I was just outside of the park when a jogger was running by.

"Excuse me"

"Oh yah are you ok"

"Yah im fine can you just tell me what time it is."

She checked her watch.

"Its almost 2:30"


"Are you sure your ok"

"Yah im fine. I just gotta get home"

I walked away and she began running again.

By the time I got to our apartment complex I was soaked and still covered in blood. I opened the door and took the elevator upstairs to our floor. I went and knocked on our door and after a couple seconds I heard some shuffling behind the door and finally it was opened. By Christen.

"Hey christen. Is Kelley here."

"Oh my god reece. What happened"

"I think I got mugged in the park last night. Can I come in?"

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