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Kelley and I have been hanging out a lot. I have never eaten this much cookie dough in my life. I made it a morning routine to stop at Starbucks and get us coffee every morning. I carry her bag every morning and I let her blast her music in the car everyday.

It's been almost two weeks since we both made varsity. We are currently at practice. Our first game is next week against the east side high lions. It's a Friday so coach has us scrimmaging. Coach called it after I scored 4 goals and we were up by 4. Kelley and I went to change and then made our way to my jeep.

"So it's a Friday what do you want to do?" She asks as she jumps on my back. I catch her and think.

"Umm I don't know. I guess whatever you wanna do."

"Perfect let's go to a party"

Aww man, I don't do parties. But I'm not gonna tell Kelley that. I would do anything for Kelley and if Kelley wants to go to a party then to a party we shall go.


I dropped Kelley off and went to my house. I took a quick shower and grabbed some skinny jeans and one of my nice California surf shirts. As I put my glasses on Kelley walked through the door and my breath got caught in my throat. She looked beautiful. She was wearing a black dress that stopped mid thigh. It didn't show too much but it showed just enough.

"So you ready to go"

"Uhh yeah"

She grabbed my hand and walked towards the garage.

"Wait kel do you wanna take the jeep or do you want to take the Lamborghini"

"Wait hold up you have a Lamborghini"

"Yeah well it's my dads but I told him I was going to a party and he told me that if I wanted to I could take the Lamborghini"

"Holy crap now I'm scared. What if something happens to it"

"You know what. Good call let's just take the jeep. We can drive the lambo some other time"

We got in the jeep and Kelley gave me the directions. Then she hooked her phone up to the aux and blasted her music.

I pulled up to the party and parked down the road. We entered the house and I could already smell the drugs and the alcohol. Kelley grabbed my hand and led me towards the kitchen. She asked me if I wanted something to drink but I declined. I'm the self proclaimed designated driver. She told me she was gonna go say hi to a couple of friends and asked if I wanted to go. I told her to go ahead. A couple minutes later I finally found the courage to go talk to people.

I spotted Kelley sitting on some guys lap. He whispered something in her ear and she laughed. Right then I could feel a pang of jealousy. I walked back towards the kitchen not wanting anything to do with that guy.

A couple minutes later that same guy walked into the kitchen to get some more drinks. I took this chance to walk out there and find Kelley again. I found her sitting on the couch.



Oh god. She's drunk.

The guy came back and sat down on the couch and Kelley sat back down on his lap. He handed her a drink.

"Speedy this is drew. Drew this is speedy"

He looked at me but didn't say anything.

"Hey Kelley you wanna dance?"


They got up and made their way to the pile of people dancing. I didn't trust him. He was grinding on her and they were just dancing so sexually. After a while he pulled her off the dance floor and through the crowd. I could tell something was wrong. I followed them down a hallway. He pushed her up against the wall and started kissing her.

"Stop" she said. But he didn't stop.

He ripped her dress open and that's when I had it. I pushed him off of her.

"What the fuck man"

"She said stop"

He stood up and ran at me I dodged him but he quickly recovered and landed a punch. I stumbled back but I managed to push him down. I was so angry that I didn't notice the crowd forming around us or the fact that he was unconscious and I was still beating the crap out of him. I quickly got up and grabbed Kelley's hand. I led her out of the house and to the car.

By the time I got to my house she was passed out. I carried her out of the car and up the stairs to my room. I changed her out of the dress and into some sweats and a shirt. As I was tucking her in she grabbed my hand.

"Hey I just want you to know t-that I llllove you. Not just like the I love you wayy but the I love you"

I was so immensely confused by that but had no time to think as she grabbed me and pulled me onto the bed. She cuddled into my side and put her head on my chest. I could get used to this.

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