National Camp Part 1

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DAY 1 of camp

Kelley and I are on our way to national team camp. We were called in a while ago and it's in DC. we just boarded the plane and Kelley already fell asleep. A couple hours later we arrive at Dulles airport and I wake kelley up. We grab our bags and meet with the other team members.

"Hey guys"


Kristie mewis, alex Morgan, Allie long, Carli Lloyd, Becky, Andi, Mal, Ali, and Ashlyn were all there already. We waited a while longer until the bus picked us up.

When we got to the hotel Jill welcomed us and gave us our room assignments. I was rooming with Kristie this time and Kelley was with tobin.

"Sorry babe. Guess we won't be sleeping together."

Kelley whispered quietly in my ear. I shook my head and she walked away while I stared at her ass. I found kristie and we walked to our room together.

"So Reece a couple of us we're gonna go to Georgetown later since we have the rest of the day. Do you wanna come?"

"Yah who's going"

"Me, mal, andi, sonnet, and Horan"

"Yah that'd be cool"

I opened our door and we put our bags down on our beds.

"Can kelley come"

"Yah of course"

I texted kelley and she told me that she wanted to go. I changed into a pair of shorts, surf tee, and my white converse. Kristie put on one of her really cute outfits that made her look really hot. We went downstairs and waited for everyone else.

Kelley came down wearing shorts and a shirt as well as her converse.

"Real original Speedy"

"Thanks you too Kel"

Kristie called an Uber and we went to Georgetown. We walked around and finally found the Nike store and we went shopping for a bit.

"Hey where do you guys wanna go eat" said Kristie.

"There's a Johnny rockets and there's also a Clyde's. It really depends on how much we wanna spend" I said.

We ended up going to Johnny rockets.

I sat down across from Kristie and Kelley sat down next to me. We all ordered burgers and shakes.

"So one of my friends owns a club down the street and he said we could all get in for free" said Kristie.

"I'm down" said mal, sonnet Kelley and horan all at the same time.

"I don't know guys we have training tomorrow" said andi.

"Come on andi. We won't even get that drunk."

"Ok but I'm limiting you guys to 2 drinks"

"Ok andi"

We finished our burgers and walked toward the club. Kelley was talking to mal and sonnet started walking next to me.

"So how long have you and Kelley been a thing"

"Wha. We. I. Don't know what your talking about"

We were trying to keep it a secret until we told Jill.

"Aww come on. I see the way you two look at each other. And I also have friends at Stanford."

"We got together right after high school graduation. Then I was gone for a year and I came back and went to Stanford and we picked up from there."

"Why did you leave for a year"

"Well I was on a drug run to save Kelley and then I got kidnapped tortured escaped and then here I am."

Sonnet looked at me wide eyed.

"I can't tell if your kidding or serious"

"Nah that's what happened. Ask Kelley. Actually don't ask kelley I don't know how she'll react to it. We don't usually talk about it."

"Well that sounds rough. But I think you've got a keeper"

I looked at Kelley.

"I definitely do"

A couple seconds later Kelley walks in between us.

"Speedy can we get some ice cream"

"Yah Kel anything you want."

I told the group we were gonna get ice cream and then meet them at the club. She laced her hand in mine and we walked toward the ice cream place. We ordered our ice creams I paid and we left.

We walked to the Georgetown waterfront and finished our ice creams. The streetlight shining down on us making Kelley look so radiant and her reflection in the water. She took a huge bite of her waffle cone and got some ice cream on her face.

"Ugh Kel you got some ice cream on your face"

"Oh do I now"

"Yah babe you do"

I wiped it off for her as she finished her ice cream.

"I love you Kel"

"I love you too Speedy"

She put her head on my shoulder as we stare out at the water. I wrapped my arm around my waist and pulled her closer.

"Alright Speedy now lets go fucking party"

She grabbed my hand and we went off to the club where everyone was at. Let me tell ya. There's gonna be a couple hungover girls tomorrow. Not including me of course. I called Uber's for everyone and we went back to the hotel. Kelley didn't drink that much so she was fine.

"Are you alright getting to your room. I have to take mewis to ours"

"Yah I'm good. Thanks speedy"

She gave me a quick kiss and walked away towards the elevators. I picked mewis up from the chairs she was slumped over and put her arm around my shoulder. I lugged her up to our room and put her on the bed. I took off what she was wearing and put on a T-shirt and some sweatpants and went to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day for her.

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