Calm down mate

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"You did what?"

"Tobin calm down"

"Bro you slept with someone last night and the way your talking about her has got me a little worried"

"What am I supposed to say. She's beautiful, she's smart, she's kind, and I could get lost in her eyes for hours"

"YOU SEE. I think your falling for her and you go back to California in 4 days"

She made a point. I am falling for her but I know long distance relationships never work out.

"I know. But she's different. We're meeting for coffee later"

"I dont know man. This could either end really well or really badly. And what about Kelley?"

"What about her"

"I dont know. But Christen says she hasn't seen or heard from her in days. It could be nothing."

"Kelley left me. I still dont know why, so what makes you think I give a fuck"

"I dont know. Just be careful"

"I will Tobs"

I got up from the couch and went to the spare room of my brothers apartment. I took off my shirt and went to go take a shower. As I showered all I could think about were Caroline's blue eyes. And then my thoughts trailed off to Kelley. Christen hasn't seen or heard from her in days. Thats not like Kelley, but then again she hasn't been herself since before we broke up. I got out of the shower and put on my underwear and some light blue ripped skinny jeans, my nike sports bra, a white long sleeve billabong shirt, my white converse and a flannel jacket. I texted Caroline and told her I was on my way.

As I arrived at the coffee shop it was swarmed with college students trying to get their caffeine. I spotted Caroline at a table in the corner.

"Hello Beautiful" I said as she blushed. Caroline was wearing some light blue skinny jeans a nice blouse and white converse and a black leather jacket. Her hair was down and the light shining through the window made her skin and her eyes glow in the sunlight. I stared at her for a few seconds.

"How about we skip the coffee and you can show me around town."

she nodded her head and smiled "I like that idea"

We got up and made our way out of the crowded coffee shop and began walking down the street.

"This is the strip. This is where everyone comes to hangout."

We continued walking down the street as she pointed everything out to me until we stopped at a park.

"This is the park. During the summer everyone comes here and chills"

I looked around for a solid two seconds before I felt her shiver right next to me.

"You cold?"

"Just a little"

"Here" I said taking off my jacket "take this"

"What about you aren't you gonna be cold"

"I'll be fine"

She put on my jacket and I zipped it up for her. Our bodies were inches apart and as we stared at each other I looked down at her lips. Slowly I let my hands wrap around her waist as we inched closer until finally our lips met. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. Something I haven't felt since Kelley. As we pulled apart I slowly opened my eyes and smiled.

"I think you should let me take you on a proper date" I said.

"I think I would like that"

"Great! How about tomorrow night"

"You got yourself a deal" she said as she gave me a quick peck and grabbed my hand as we walked out of the park.

"Where are we off to now?"

"My favorite little place. They have the best hot cocoa there"

I smiled as she got excited. We continued down the street until we got to this little cafe on the corner and we walked inside. It was a cozy little place with a small fireplace to the right and a bunch of small tables. There was a corner with a few couches and armchairs. We walked up to the counter and Caroline ordered two hot chocolates. She paid as the lady handed me two large hot chocolates. We went and sat down on one of the couches and I took a sip.

"Well how is it"

"Hot. But good" I said as I took another sip.

"When do you go back" she asked.

"4 days"

She looked down for a split second and then looked back up at me.

"Well im not gonna lie. I'll miss having you around when you leave" she said.

I smiled "and I'll miss being around when I'm gone"

She leaned in as I put my hand on her leg. Our lips connected and she pulled me into a deep kiss. Both of her hands reached up to cup my cheeks. Finally we pulled away but I wanted more. I wanted to kiss her again and hold her in my arms. We both sat back on the couch and I put my arm around her pulling her close as she took another sip of her hot chocolate.

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