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I've thought a lot about what tobin said. About me asking Kelley to marry me So currently I'm with tobin looking for a ring.

"Hey Reece. What about this one."

"Nah. It doesn't scream Kelley."

"How do you know if something "screams Kelley""

"Trust me I'll know it when I see it."

I looked around the store some more but couldn't find a ring that I liked. Tobin and I decided to take a break and get tacos. While we were eating I felt my phone ringing in my pocket and saw that it was my brother and answered quickly.

"Mikey what's wrong. Is everything ok."

"Yah everything's fine I just haven't talked to you in a while."

"Oh well. How's it going."

"Pretty good. School sucks but I'm getting good grades and lacrosse season is going pretty good."

"That's good."

"Yah. Well what's up with you."

"Well I'm looking for a ring for Kelley."


"Well yah that's the idea. But you can't tell her."

"Don't worry I won't. But when you find the ring send me a picture. And let me know when your gonna do it. I wanna be there to celebrate."

" Ok will do Mikey."

"Ok bye big sis"

"Bye little brother"

I hung up and realized my tacos weren't on my plate. I looked up at tobin and she had one halfway through her mouth.

"Did you eat my tacos"



"Ok yes but you were distracted and I was hungry."

"No one touches my tacos"

She handed me my half eaten taco. After that I suggested we hit up one more store before we gave up for the day. We went inside and I started to look around. A lady came up to me and she looked like she worked there.

"Hello dear how can I help you"

"Well I'm looking for a ring for my girlfriend"

"Oh well tell me about her so I can get a sense of what we're looking for."

"Well she's beautiful and sweet and goofy. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me. We play soccer together at Stanford and occasionally the national team. I love being with her. She just brightens my day."

"I have just the thing for you dear"

She pulled out a rose gold ring with a rose and a diamond in the middle. That's it. That's the one. I called tobin over and she agreed with me. I payed for it and thanked the lady.

"Good luck dear. I hope all goes well"

"Thank you"

I dropped tobin off at her friends house and then went home. I found Kelley sitting on the couch snuggled up next to Brooklyn. She was watching keeping up with the Kardashian's.

"Hey babe"

"Hi Speedy"

I went to our room and put the ring in my night table drawer all the way in the back. I went and sat next to kelley and put my arm around her. She snuggled into my side.

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