Costa rica

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There she was standing right in front of me.

"You left without saying goodbye"

"I know I'm sorry but I knew you would try to stop me"

"No im not gonna stop you but I'm going with you"

"Kelley it's too dangerous. Please don't do this."

She walked over to me and she looked somewhere in between pissed and sad.

"I know what I'm getting myself into."

She walked past me and boarded the plane. This woman will be the death of me.

I boarded the plane and took my seat next to Kelley. She was looking out the window and I could tell she was worried. I sat down next to her and I grabbed her hand. She squeezed my hand but didn't look at me.



"Kelley please look at me"

Still nothing.

I put my hand on her cheek and moved her face towards mine in a gentle way and I kissed her. I pulled away and she was looking into my eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

I pulled her into a side hug and her head was in the crook of my neck.

"Listen. No matter what happens. I will protect you. I will not let anything happen to you."

"I know you won't speedy. I won't let anything happen to you."

The plane took off a little while later. Kelley slept the entire time and I just put my earbuds in and listened to music. After a long flight we finally landed. I woke up Kelley and we got off the plane and went to the baggage claim. I carried our bags and we walked outside and hailed a taxi. The taxi driver took us to our hotel in el coco and I paid him. We walked into the hotel and I went to the front desk to grab our keys and we went upstairs.

"Jeez speedy this room is fantastic"

"Yah it was the nicest one so I booked it."

I put our stuff on this long chair and laid down on the bed. Kelley laid down next to me.

"So what are we gonna do"

"Well I was hoping I could talk to some of the locals. See what information I can get."

"Ok I'll go with you"

"Alright let's go"

We walked out of the hotel and around the streets. The people were nice buts I think it's because I'm like half Hispanic.

"Permiso Señora"


"Tengo una pregunta"

"Dime niña"

"Has visto estás personas por aquí"

"Si lo vi pero no para largo tiempo. Se han desaparecido"

"Donde los has visto"

"Por la casa del Ricardo León"

"Quién es el"

"Es el señor de las drogas. Permiso"


I turned around and Kelley was standing right behind me.

"So what did she say"

"She didn't really have much information"

We walked back to the hotel and I took out my laptop. Kelley was in the shower so I had a little bit of time before she got out. I searched Ricardo Leon and he is the biggest drug dealer in Costa Rica. His house was the mansion just a couple minutes away.

I heard the bathroom door open and I closed my laptop. I felt Kelley wrap her arms around me.

"I think we should do something while we're in Costa Rica."

"Oh yeah like what"


I think I got the hint.

"Kelley would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I thought you would never ask. I would be delighted."

I pulled her into a kiss and then I went to change.

There was a little restaurant down the street that I heard from the locals was pretty good. Kelley was looking as beautiful as ever with some booty shorts and one of my surf shop tank tops. We walked to the restaurant and waited to be seated. It didn't take that long and we were taken to a table.

"You look beautiful kel"

"Thanks speedy. You don't look to bad yourself."

The waiter came.

"Hola señoritas como están esta nocha."
Hi girls how are you tonight.

"Estamos bien gracias."
We're good thanks.

"Que quieren para beber"
What do you want to drink.

"Kelley what do you want to drink"

She looked at me.

"I know what he said speedy"

"Oh right. Tienen horchata."
Do you have horchata

"Si tenemos"
Yes we do

"Ok dos horchatas gracias."
Ok two horchatas please


"Yes kel"

"Can you help me read the menu"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey come on i know how to speak spanish but reading it is different."

"Of course kel I'll help you"

We went over the menu and the waiter came back with our drinks.

"Ya están listo para ordenar"
Are you ready to order.

"Para mi los tacos de pescado y para ella los tacos de pollo."
For me fish tacos and for her chicken tacos.

He wrote that down and left with our menus.

I looked at Kelley and I took her hand from across the table.

"I'm really glad you came. I know I said not to but I think having you here is gonna make it easier for whatever there is for me to find out."

"I'm always here for you no matter what."

Our food came and we ate. I paid the waiter when we were done and we left. We stopped by an ice cream shop at the end of the street. We ordered and I led her to the beach. The sun was starting to go down and all the pinks and purples in the sky were brilliantly beautiful. Kelley was mesmerized she though the sky was pretty but I thought she was prettier. I took a picture of her looking at the sky. I walk up and hug her from behind.

"I know it's been like 20 minutes since our first date but I love you kel."

She turned around and faced me. Our faces were centimeters apart.

"I love you too"

She kissed me and I kissed her back. We made out on the beach for a little and then went back to the hotel. We changed into our pajamas and cuddled up on the bed and fell asleep.

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