Going back

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I leave for California today and right now Tobin is driving me to the airport. Mikey had lacrosse practice and Caroline had an exam.

"So I know you don't wanna talk about it but, do you still love Kelley" asked Tobin.

I looked out the window, thinking deeply about that question. Of course I love Kelley, I think a piece of me will always love her, but she left. With out a reason she packed her things and left. I haven't felt the way I felt with Caroline since Kelley and even then it wasn't the same.

"I dont know Tobin. Did you talk to her. Because she hasn't talked to me in a while"

"No not for a couple weeks"

"Can you talk to her?"

"I'll try"


"But what about Caroline. I play soccer with her and I can tell when she likes someone and she really likes you"

"I like her too but I never resolved things with Kelley and I feel like I can't move on until I talk to her"

"Then I think you know what you need to do"

"I know"


I've pondered what I should do for the past few days and currently I'm standing in front of Kelley's door knocking. I heard footsteps behind the door and then suddenly the door opened revealing the one and only Kelley O'hara.

"Uhh hi Reece"

"Hey Kel, can we talk?"

"Uh sure come in" she moved aside to let me in.

I walked into the room and turned around as Kelley closed the door.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"

"I think you know Kel"

She sighed and took a seat on her bed.

"Kelley I don't know why you left but I wanna know. What did I do? I thought the whole Emily thing was behind us. Its driving me insane not knowing. The last time we talked was the Championship." I paused for a second and ran my hand trough my hair "I just wanna know what happened"

I looked at Kelley and watched as she looked up with watery eyes and a single tear rolling down her cheek.

"Junior year, you stayed in one night to study for an exam but I went out with some girls from the soccer team and I got really wasted. I dont remember what happened that night but the next morning I woke up completely naked in some guys bed. I was so ashamed because I realized that I would never cheat on you" more tears started to roll down her cheeks "but I didn't know what happened that night. I just know that you deserved to be with someone who didn't cheat on you" at this point she was full on sobbing.

My heart hurt watching her break down like that. On instinct I went over to her and pulled her into me as she continued to sob into my shoulder. I gently rubbed her back. After about 10 minutes she started to calm down and we pulled away.

"Kel, you should have just told me. You didn't have to go through that by yourself" I took her hand in mine "you are my best friend and I'll be damned if I ever let you go through anything by yourself"

She wiped away her tears with her other hand. "I dont even know what happened"

"Kel you were drunk. It's not your fault. I just want you back in may life. I wanna be able to keep you safe and eat tacos while we watch movies or go surfing. I just want you back"

"Reece I dont kn-"

"We can take it slow. Lets just go back to being friends. Please Kel. My life without you scares me."

"Ok speedy"

She got off the bed and I pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist.

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