The draft

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A/N: this will be the 2019 draft, I know the timeline is a bit switched up but just bear with me.

The NWSL draft is nearing and Kelley an I had both entered the draft. I decided not to sign with the thorns and just see where life takes me.

Kelley has moved back in and and we are still friends. We are taking it super slow. I still talk to Caroline sometimes and she told me just yesterday that she had entered into the draft as well.

I walked into the kitchen ready to make myself a cup of coffee but then Kelley walks out and hands me a nice cup of hot coffee with a big smile.

"Morning Speedy"

"Morning Kel" I replied with a smirk.

I took a sip of my coffee and sure enough it was just the way I like it.

"You know me so well Kel"

"Of course I do. We did date for a couple years"

"And sometimes it still feels like we are."

She walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek "It sure does."

Sometimes I just want to throw her against a wall and just kiss her but I know that we have to take it slow, for her sake. I think sometimes she feels the same way because she'll get all flirty and forget that we aren't dating. I get butterflies every time too.

"The draft is tomorrow. Are you excited" I asked.

"Oh God don't remind me. I'm actually so scared."

"Kel you're gonna do great. I know for a fact you are gonna get picked in the first round"

"That's not what I'm nervous about speedy"

"Then what is it"

She walked closer to me and sat down next to me on the couch.

"I dont want this to be gone. I want to be with you. What if I get picked by a team thats on the other side of the country"

"Kel don't worry about that right now. No matter how far away we are from each other I will always be there for you." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a small hug. "And besides even if you are on the other side of the country, if you call I will come running"

She smiled at that last comment. I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she was. Her freckles lined around her nose and under her eyes. The crinkles right by her eyes that formed slightly when she smiled. The color of her eyes and the way they glowed when they hit the light. I gently pouched a strand of hair behind her ear and that caught her attention. We both stared into each others eyes.

"I missed you Kel" I said as I gently held my hand against her cheek.

She grazed her hand against my arm and finally moved in closer until we were only a couple inches apart. I pulled back even though I could tell she wanted to kiss me. Hell, I wanted to kiss her too, but what if she isn't ready to get back into this thing.

"I'm gonna go for a quick run" I say as I walk away.

I think she was hurt that I didn't kiss her but I also thinks she knows why I didn't.


Kelley and I were on our way to Las Vegas where the NWSL draft was being held. We just landed at the airport and now we are walking to find our driver who is taking us to the hotel we will be staying at.

We arrived at our hotel, checked in and went up to our room. Kelley and I haven't talked much since yesterday and I know it's because of that almost kiss that happened. She put her stuff on the bed closest to the window and I put mine on the other.

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