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After school Kelley and I walked towards the locker room. We had to change and be out on the field no later than 3:45. I looked around the locker room and then turned to Kelley.

"Just put your stuff anywhere. We don't get our lockers until after we made the team. But we don't have anything to worry about right"

She stood up and winked at me. I could feel myself blushing and I looked down. I started to change into some Nike shorts and a shirt I put on my socks and left my shin guards in my bag. I only ever use them during games. I grabbed my cleats and walked out towards the field with Kelley running up behind me.

"You ready?" She asked.

I stood there and nodded.

"You wanna pass with me before it starts?"


And with that she grabbed a ball and kicked it to me. I took a touch and passed it back. At one point we started juggling. After a little while the coach came out and blew her whistle. We all huddled around her and she introduced herself.

"Hello ladies, my name is coach emily and I am the head varsity coach. For today and tomorrow we will have tryouts for an hour and a half. Tomorrow after tryouts you will find out if whether or not you made varsity. All those who don't make varsity will be on the jv or freshmen team. Today we will do some drills, passing and end with a scrimmage. Good luck ladies."

We started with shooting drills. The goalie was pretty good. She saved most of the but had no luck as I shot the balls into the top bins. I got a few more shots in before coach emily blew her whistle and we transitioned into another drill.

After a couple more drills we started passing. Once coach told us to pick partners Kelley ran at me at full speed and jumped on me. We both toppled over and she was on top of me. She looked down and whispered "I pick you".

She got off of me and helped me up. Kelley grabbed a ball and we began passing once again. After about 15 minutes of passing we started our scrimmage. Kelley and I were the same team. Cheney and Amy were both on the opposite team. The other team kicked off the ball and I they passed it around but Kelley was quick to shut it down. She passed the ball to me and I took off. I passed to one of the juniors and she chipped the ball over the defense and I ran to it. I controlled the ball and took a shot and watched as it his the back of the net. The rest of the scrimmage was back and forth. I got two more goals.

We are currently tied 4-4. Kelley just stole the ball from Cheney and sent a long ball up towards me. I got a foot on it and continued to dribble. Then all of a sudden I hit the ground and I feel a pain in my leg. Kelley is quick to get over to me and I can hear her yelling at someone.

She kneels down next to me.
"Hey are you ok"

"Yeah I'm fine. I think it's gonna bruise though. I'll live"

"You had me worried there for a second"

"Why cause you didn't think I was gone get up"

"Well yeah"

"Aww don't worry. I'll always get up"

Kelley helped me up and we continued the scrimmage. The freshman that slide tackled me came up to me after the scrimmage and apologized. I told her that I was fine and that she should probably apologize to Kelley because she was the one who got mad.

After tryouts I walked with Kelley to the locker room. I took off my cleats and put on my sanuks. Kelley walked over and sat down next to me. She started staring at me and after a while I finally cracked.

"Do you need something"


"Then what is it"

"I didn't realize I was sitting next to the next Mia freaking Hamm"

"What the hell are you talking about"

"YOU. IM TALKING ABOUT YOU. Your freaking amazing. Your hella fast. You have a great vision. And your shots are impossible to save. I mean you told me you played soccer but you didn't tell me how good you were"

"Ok calm down. I guess I'm ok."

"Ok just ok your better than ok your amazing"

"Thanks kel. Now let's go. I wanna go home"

"Ok ok but we're not done with this conversation"


I walked out of the locker room and found my jeep sitting in the parking lot right where I left it. I unlocked it and got in. I started the car and drove off. It just started raining and I'm pretty sure I just saw lightning. As I was exiting the school I saw someone walking down the street trying to cover them self from the rain. I pulled over and realized it was Kelley.

"Kelley hop in"

She put her stuff in the back and gladly jumped in the front seat.

"Thanks. My hero"

"Yeah no problem. Do you not have a car"

" no i just walk to school"

"Do you want me to drive you to school"

"Yeah sure that would be fun"

I stopped in her driveway and helped her get her stuff out. I carried her soccer bag to the front door for her.

"Here is your bag"

"Thanks. Your a real life saver."

"Yeah no problem"

"Hey do you wanna come in? You can help me with trig if you want"

"Uhh yah sure. I don't have anything better to do."

"What could be better than hanging out with me"

I looked up pretending to think.

"Well I don't think there is anything is this world that is better than hanging out with you"

After I said that I swear she blushed. She asked if I was hungry and of course I was so she made some mac n cheese real quick. And we went up to her room. She payed down on her bed and I laid myself down right next to her.

"Can you help me with trig after we take a nap"

"I think a nap sounds delightful"

She cuddled herself into my side and I could feel her breath getting steadier. I felt myself dozing off and soon enough I found myself asleep.

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