Chapter 41

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Elizabeth's pov

We stood there in shock while she smile. That the Goddess of the Moon? "HUUUHHHHHHHH!!" Diane shouted while Merlin blink before those two kneeled. I in the other hand couldn't kneeled since I'm pregnant and I have the baby bump. So I couldn't kneeled. Quite of arwkard. The Goddess of Moon give a small laugh which we look at her. Her smile grew more. "Oh my, you don't need to be formal, especially a pregnant woman. These are my gardens, so maybe I should take you to my temple" she said which we were confused before she span her fingers. We soon appear front of a Greek styled temple which there was the moon high up with the shinning stars. Around the temple have moonflowers and lotus around the walls with vines giving lot of characteristics and elegance.

So beautiful and lovely. Diane 'WOW' load as Rachel and Merlin were looking around while the Goddess of the Moon smile at me which confused me. "My, my, you're so beautiful than Venus. No wonder how you caught the eye of First Vampire Prince. I bet Venus would love to meet you" she hummed which shock me as my face burst of flames. Huh? Did she say that I'm more beautiful than the Goddess of Beauty? She laugh before Merlin ask her why she take us here. Goddess of the Moon close her eyes while I was confuse and wondering why. Why she take us? Does she have a reason? "To be honest, it been a long time that I saw humans and vampires be togethers in my gardens. I guess since the war start, I don't see much of the Human Clan go to my gardens. Pitiful that they believe such lie to Druids and start this war between Clans. I must say, may that two child who you're carrying  might end this war" she spoke.

We look at her in pure and utter shock which I felt Diane pass out on the ground. EH!? My children can end this war!? How can be? She's the Goddess of the Moon, so must have a reason to know. Diane got off of the ground and shouted 'WHAT' as Rachel ask her how is she so sure about that. "Because this girl is the descendant of Sibyl Monarch. Which means a child of both Royal bloodline can be powerful than of Clans' ruler. Those children might end this heartless and cruel war and bring the peace which every Clan most seek of" she explained which Merlin end up taking notes while Diane and Rachel look at me in shock. Eh? I'm descendant of the Sibyl Monarch? Oh my god, that was unexpected. Soon Merlin ask her what was name of the Sibyl Monarch which I wanted to know. Can be possible that... "Caroline Angelos" she spoke which finally have my answer while Diane and Merlin were pure shock. My grandmother... is the Sibyl Monarch? No way, how she still a semi immortal while she look look old?

I was shock as Merlin was mumbling about a spell. The Goddess of the Moon Artemis is quite of mystery yet, friendly and kind even so. She let us stay on her temple while Merlin was taking notes about the Goddess of the Moon since it was our first meeting actual God. Diane was glancing the nature and practice her dance. She was happy. Rachel in the other hand was witness the moon and the stars. She look like was amazed and mesmerizing at the sky lot. Even her eyes turn bright hazelnut tone. I think she's enjoying herself. I giggling while I was sitting at steel vine designs chair with Goddess of the Moon. I was blush about her comment which she smile. Soon I think about Layla who still around and watching her family. I need to ask her if she can bring back Layla to life. ''Uhm, Lady Artemis... can you bring someone back from the dead?'' I soon ask which Lady Artemis look at me in shock yet, curious. Her royal blue eyes were giving off a glow as I play with stands of my sliver hair.

Dueling of my shyness. ''Bring someone back from the dead? Why you asking me that? Princess Elizabeth'' she asked which I soon sigh as having courage to tell why. I want Astrid and Hester have their mother back. I want them not to suffer the same hardship I did when my Mother died. I want her to be with her family. ''I want the Vampire Knight Layla Salem Blaise came back from dead and retinue with her family. That why I'm asking you'' I said which Lady Artemis rose her eyebrows up. I end up blushing a little while she laugh and look at me with a smile. Somehow it made me feel clam and cool down. ''My, my... what a generous heart you have. Bring the vampiress Layla back to life. Princess, the ones who can bring Layla Salem Blaise to life is the Angels and you dueling you're a Sibyl. The Sibyls like the Angels, can bring soul back to life and with their physical forms. If the person who have seen her and making contraction with her then, can bring her to life again'' she explain which shock me but quickly nods.

I can bring her back? I was the only person who have see her and heard her. I can bring her back but... I don't know what type powers I have? I don't how to resurrection someone or something? Dear God, I don't how to used magic power unlike Merlin, Diane, Elaine, Rachel, the twins, Ban or Meliodas. I heavily sigh while the Goddess of the Moon comfort me and saying it's fine if I don't know how to used powers. I nods while I notice she been really nice to me and caring even so. Strange and curious. I soon ask her why she been nice to me which she look at me in surprise before giving bright smile. ''I'm Goddess of the Moon, Wilderness, Hunt and Childbirth. My duty is protecting the young maidens who are pregnant from anything tries to harm their souls. Besides, you seem to be blessed by the True God's grace and I think you're a very nice and sweet person. That a holy spark insides of you that give you the power of possibility'' she said which I look at her in surprised.

That true? I have that power? Then again, I end up making friends here, the hidden world. I don't how I can my powers to resurrect Layla but I must do. Maybe, after I give birth to my children then, I will start training my powers. 

I can't stay useless, I have to help out whatever I can. I promise, that I will find a way to bring you together with your family again, Layla...

The Vampire Prince's mate is a Human Priestress Princess (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now