Chapter 20

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Elizabeth's pov

We spend talking for the whole morning in Selene's Crescent Moon gardens which I couldn't stop delighted it lot and look around the whole place. It was very beautiful even godliness. Meliodas would tease me as my face turn into a tomato. I didn't think I would enjoy the Vampire Clan lot, even find it extraordinary. Many knights of the Human Clan would always said that the Vampire Clan was a horrible and terrify place dueling they are creatures of the night and bloodsuckers. Even tell stories of how horrible is the Vampire Clan and their kind. But everything was wrong about them. They were like us who are tired of this war and wanted to end it. Everyone here were kind like Meliodas, Zeldris, Gelda and Rachel.

And they were protecting the other Clan who we thought they were destroy like the Werewolf, Elf and Angel Clans, even some humans and immortals. And we didn't knew about the Hybrids like Astrid, Hester and Rachel whom live along side them. Everything was keeping hide for us and the truth what really happen in that war. The Druids were the true enemy and fooling us to keep this war up against Vampire and Demon Clan. I know Meliodas will stop this war when he's crown but what will happen when he's crown? I mean, what Abigail said about every King needs a Queen to be by his side and give him a heir to the throne. If that means Meliodas might decide that and bears me a child? That thought made my face go to lava bits while I could image how he going to do it.

It don't like I'm not good with children since I work as priestess and I quite get along with children lot. Even they said I'm their 'Goddess'. But this was about if Meliodas wants me to be his Queen, his partner, his wife. I couldn't even think about it. I'm not good with being a ruler since the ones who were teach were Ban and Margaret since Ban was the former Crown Prince and  Margaret is the Elder Prince who is now the Crown Princess to the throne. Veronica want to be a knight to protected me, Selion, Kilia and Dad while I wanted to help him with my younger siblings. I don't know if I will fit to be Queen. I can't be Queen. "Elizabeth, are you okay?" I soon hard Meliodas asked as I turn my head and seeing him with a worry look.

I was unlit I figure out that I was making a sad and douting experience that make Meliodas worry. Meliodas asked me what's wrong as I look away from me and rubbing my hand at the back of my neck. "I just have lot things in my mind of you becoming king" I whisper as Meliodas asked what things I have in mind before I sigh and look at him. He have know. He going to know sooner or later if I don't tell him. Or otherwise, he will think someone told me that. "Like if me being your Queen. I don't think I'm worthy to be by your side as your Queen. I think its better if I-" "Don't say that about yourself! Your worthy and even precious to me for you can be by my side!" Meliodas near shouted as I was shocked while he grab my hand and hold them tightly.

"Elizabeth, I think you as wonderful, heartkind, compassion, trustworthy and generous person who can be by my side and rule with me as my Queen. You made allies like Hawk, Wild, the twins, Gelda, Abigail and Rachel who thrid powerful Vampire of my Clan and most everyone thinks she hard. You did that with your words and that lovely heart of yours. That something I love about you the most. I love you and if I become king then, I would choose you as my Queen" he spoke as I was in shocked with his words. He thinks as me like that? He wasn't wrong about that. I did make some allies here and ended having fun here.

I-I want to be with him. I don't want to leave his side like that. I love him with all my heart and I want to stay with him forever. Meliodas soon pulled me into his lap and kiss passionate as my face went red. "Said that you're mine" "I'm yours" I said as he pulled me into a other passionate yet, hard and rough kiss while me was burning hard and deeply. "Again" "I'm yours" "Again" "I'm yours" "Again" "I'm yours, Meliodas" I said as he pulled me into a harder kiss while my face was getting more redder and redder unlit it turn completely pure crimson. We pulled from the kiss as we were heavily breathing and my heart was beating like crazy.

I couldn't help this feeling, this taste, this moment with him. It was something that I couldn't dream of. Meliodas soon kiss my neck as I let a small moan while he chuckled before look at me. "I love you, Elizabeth" he said as I smile and I cup his face with my hands while I pulled him closer to me. "I love you too, Meliodas" I said as we pulled in a passionate kiss. I enjoy this moment with him. I felt if I couldn't enjoy it more and more that this. He still choose me to be by his side and never let me go. He wasn't like the other men I knew back at home. He wasn't my Prince Charming or my Knight in shining armor. He was the Beast who have a wonderful and kand heart with the courageous of a hero and wise ruler. He was everything I ever need. Meliodas was my true love ans soulmate that I feel I longed for.

I know I'm human and I have a short life to live but I want to find a way that I could live forever to be with him. I don't care if I have to turn a Immortal or a Vampire as longest I'm by his side, then it alright.

The Vampire Prince's mate is a Human Priestress Princess (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now