Chapter 36

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Elizabeth's pov

"And that how Ban beat the Noble's smug son for asking Elaine to courtship with him and steal all his  fortune after he beat the hell out of him" Diane said as we burst of laughing while I was holding my pillow. I can't believe Ban did dueling he was jealous at him getting Elaine. That so funny! We laugh for some couple of minutes unlit we were trying to catch our breath. Once we did, Rachel saying that she didn't think Ban would be like that dueling he's the Elder Prince. Well, my father used to be a thief years ago before he met my mother and fall in love. Since then, he become a bar owner as teach Ban how to steal when no one notice than me and mother.

Stealing from the Nobles was surprising and funny since no one would it. Even most the Nobles can't accuse father since he is the husband of Princess Rosabelle. "Yeah, anyways... what about YOUR relationship with Werewolf's little brother? Hmmm~" Diane asked which got Rachel look shocked with pinkish red dusts on her cheeks, I giggling since I bet it's isn't her first time someone ask her about someone who she dating. One time, I ask Margaret if she have a crush on someone which shocked since Veronica ask her and tease because of that even. Rachel was very space out before Diane beg her to tell her 'love story', which she sigh.

"It was about when I was 39 years old. When we met when I was taking care Abigail and her brothers in Selene's Crescent Moon Gardens which they were playing. We talk for a while which felt something warm and tenderness. I thought that I won't have mate since I'm hybrid but he end up being my mate. I was bit nervous how we going to do 'dating' when we don't know each others. We end up meeting the next day and next as I was getting to know him well and seeing he's goofball which I personal like. We become official and didn't wast a time, to talk or being to together. My father was alright with it and seem very happy while my mother was glad and hope me the best. We still seeing each others when I'm off duty and visit him at the Werewolf Clan' Village. And I love him very much since I'm a dog person" she add that.

Diane laugh while I was surprise that she's likes dogs. Diane howl of laugh before she fell at the floor and keep laughing. "She going to be okay?" Rachel asked as she witness Diane rolling her body and keep laughing. I told her it's normal since Diane is childish and playful lot. Besides, she very good being a aunt lot since I think I can trust my best friend being my children's godmother. Even Merlin and Elaine. "By the way, can you change your eyes colour since I always see you being on your vampire form. Pretty please?" I asked as Rachel look quite of surprise before she smile as her eyes flashed into beautiful bright hazelnut color with a normal pupils. Wow... now she looks like Lady Mina now. Diane shouted 'WOW' after she stop laughing and seeing her beautiful normal color eyes.

They were amazing. "If you think my normal eyes are beautiful then, you should see how Gelda's are. Believe me, Gelda's eyes are very beautiful and lovely even. Just ask her since most of us are pretty tired of being in our vampire forms all day and night. And I'm pretty sure your children will have yours and Meliodas eyes. I bet they will be cute" Rachel smile kindly as Diane's eyes lit up like fireworks while I giggling more. I can see somehow that on my children. I think she's right about them being cute. After that, Rachel orders food to be bring in the room which I eat and drink some blood of a goat. A goat... why does that remind me of Gowther? ( doing goat sounds) it wasn't long unlit Meliodas and Ban come back as Diane ask him how did the meeting go.

"Your father is freaking scary. Those dark crimson eyes, that flowing blackness hair and that unhealthy and extremely paler skin... holy crap! He scare the hell out of me! How did your mom marry him and- Holy crap! Why your eyes look like your mom's?" Ban spoke load and confused, Rachel explained him that mostly vampires have normal eye colour like the other clans. Ban nodded as I was kinda of shocked that he said Rachel's father, Lord Vlad Dracula looks scary. I just met Lady Mina and she looks like Rachel but never her father. I heard him fighting with Meliodas and have a kind side to Rachel and her mother. How Lord Vlad really is? I sigh as I heard Meliodas ask them to leave since he wants some alone time with me. Ban nods as he take girls away from the room before closing the door.

Once the door was close, Meliodas sat down bedside while he grab my hand and kiss the back of my hand. I soon burst of flames and my heart start beating. This feeling again... "so you how my Goddess doing?" He asked in a whisper which giving me a shiver down to my back before awnser 'fine' which his smile grew. He place a kiss on my lips which I gasp before he pulled away and smirk. My face wad getting more heating up as my heart start racing in a second. "You know... I'm quite of jealous that you ask Rachel to show her eyes normal color... I'm very jealous now as I want to get a taste from you. You know what I WANT now..." he whisper in a husky tone, my face so burst to flames as he smirk before pulling me into a rough, deep yet, passionate kiss.

I kiss back as I felt everything burning again.

I really feels melting now.

The Vampire Prince's mate is a Human Priestress Princess (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now