Chapter 29

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Elizabeth's pov

''It looks like everything is alright and no miscarriage. I believe your children will grow healthy and strong like any Dhampir and Nephilim will. And I hope they don't have any habit like you since Rachel or the twins will kill you anyways'' Lord Raphael add that which I deeply burned while Meliodas look disbelief by that. We were at the infirmary and Lord Raphael was checking on the babies if they're doing alright and checking if there's no miscarriage dueling a miscarriage can danger me and the babies. Meliodas sigh while mumbling something about Astrid and Hester which I think he's going to have a talk with them. I hope its a good talk. Meliodas thank Lord Raphael for the check up which he nods and telling him that he keep a eye on me all times. Meliodas nods as he help me to stand up and pick me up into bridal style before leaving the room. I was relief that the babies are alright and thinking about the nursery we should build. I hope it will be close to us and I wonder how my children will be in the future.

''Elizabeth, are you feeling thristy?'' Meliodas soon asked as I look at him with surprised. I kinda of forget about that. I kinda of feels bit thristy which Meliodas bite his lower which it bleeding and pulled into a kiss as it me shocking before I kiss back. I started drinking it which still taste weird and strange too. We stay like this unlit I pulled out and we're heavily breathing. ''You know, people who get bite by a Vampire get really addict with their bites lot. I wonder if you getting addict to me and feeling necrophilia on me?''Meliodas soon asked as my face rose up into lava bits which he smirk. He wasn't wrong about that ... much. Meliodas soon chuckled before he kiss my forehead and keep walking to my room. I was still burning dueling he was right about me getting addict with his bite which it haven't turn me into a Vampire dueling he didn't do a Vampire Bite on me. I know that Vampires and Werewolves are the only Clans who can turn Human into theirs with their bites. 

I wonder if Astrid and Hester can do that too. They're Vaewolves which they can Bites like their parents. I wonder why they haven't try it. It wasn't long unlit we got our room which we soon notice a door next to our room was open and I heard some familiar voices there. Meliodas soon put me down as we take a perk on it and seeing Astrid and Hester were painting the walls which they were paint on their bodies and too faces. I was shocked while I wonder what are they doing? ''Hey Hester, when we finished painting it white then, we paint blue stars like Elizabeth's earring? Don't you think that we should have asked them for their permission before doing it? Don't you think they will be mad at us?" Astrid asked which surprised me that they making our children room. I couldn't help but to smile and happy that they are thoughtful and caring to making our children's room. Hester was about to say something but Meliodas interrupt her by saying us are fine let them do that as they turn around and look shocked to see us,

I have a feeling that we ruin it their surprise. They look embarrassed and flushing which made Meliodas laughing and saying that they are 'awesome' doing this for me and him.  ''Well, of course. We only did for Elizabeth and kids because we hope they turn like her than you since you're a very horny and childish which makes me to turn wild and rip off that of you, Perv" Hester sickener while she avoid making eye concert on him. She sound annoyed but too, embarrassed. I think she was embarrassed to admit that she did too was Meliodas which he chuckled by her acting and ask Astrid about the theme they doing. She ended up explained it was combined of the Human Clan and Vampire Clan too. She was giving the ideas and details which I was surprised that we're very artisan and designer as Meliodas nods.

"That great, me and Elizabeth will be in our room which she needs some rest. If there's anything you want to tell me then, knock at the door" he said as they nods before we walk away and go to our room. When Meliodas close and lock the door, he soon pinned me on the wall and bite my neck softly which I let out a small moan before I felt him sucking my blood. I felt my breath was getting warmer while he move away from my neck and seeing him smirking greedy ans devilish which give me a chilled. Meliodas soon moves his head closer to me which I burning up to flames while he was display his smirk. "Well, well, well, isn't my pericous mate being submission? I like that very much as I want more that taste from you. Don't you agree?" He asked in whisper which my face got worst than before.

Meliodas smirk again as he pulled me into a hard, rough kiss. I moan in the kiss while I felt his tongue explore my mouth again and felt his hand going under my dress. (No! Meliodas. Bad boy! Don't you dare-) and felt circling on my underwear. (SON OF A-) before we pulled from the kiss and we're heavily panting as he pulled me pinned me down on the floor and have lust in his eyes before he take off my coat and started kissing my neck. I moan while he chuckles and started doing what he wanted which I let him and was embarrassed by it. We have sex on the floor ............which it was strange doing it than bed. It wasn't long unlit the night falls while us were covered by blankets and bedsheets. Meliodas was keeping me very close as usual while I was tired from all of that as I lean my head on his shoulder which he was cuddling me up. I sigh before I fell at sleep in his arms and felt the night was peaceful and relaxing.

Short story of Astrid and Hester

Amey's pov

"So what color we should put on beds for the kids? It a boy and girl, so what we going to do? Hester" the older twin asked her younger twin while Hester was thinking about the color before she span her fingers and look at her twin. "How about sky blue for the boy and rosy pink for the girl? Do you remember how mama and papa put red and white colors on our bed? That we going to for the newborns which I think Elizabeth and Meliodas will like it" she suggest as Astrid nods while she look at her confuses and curious at the same time.

"You mention him? I knew it we doing this for him too! Why you being coldily at him than normal? I know that we don't like his crap doing but I know you look up for him lot. Why you don't tell him that?" She smirk as Hester blushed in flushed and embarrassed before she turn away while Astrid was holding her laugh. "Because he's a knucklehead to understand about personal space. No matter what he do, you, I and Elizabeth still cares for him and both of us look him up as our brother" she quietly muttered as her older twin howling of laugh and fell down the floor while Hester was blushing like crazy. The poor hybrid wanted to asked Meliodas to help her out about a boy she likes. Unfortunately, she couldn't ask her Dad, Uncle or Grandpa about it since Werewolves are very territorial with their pups.

Especially if they're the Alphas.

The Vampire Prince's mate is a Human Priestress Princess (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now