Chapter 18

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Elizabeth's pov

Meliodas, Zeldris and the twins were food fighting like little kids while me was sitting with Rachel as Hawk and Wild attack them before Gelda came and demand them to stop. This was very arwkard and embarrassed for her while they stop and said 'sorry' before cleaning up the place while Gelda was talking with Meliodas and Zeldris about the twins' behavior. I feel sorry for them while Rachel muttered 'fools' at them as Hawk and Wild were helping Astrid and Hester cleaning. I wonder if Ban and the others are alright since I haven't see them after the meeting with Meliodas. I hope they're alright.

"Don't worry, your brother and his comrades are fine. They just sleeping somewhere else since most of the workers didn't trust them being in the castle" Rachel soon spoke as I turn my head and looked at her with surprised while she have a clam yet, serious look. I nods while I didn't knew anything  about Rachel than she's Abigail's godmother and one of the most powerful Vampires as well, a hybrid. She seem always serious and look very strict when I met her. But she deeply cares for Abigail and her family, and being loyal and have respect to Meliodas and Zeldris. Even she willingly to back down Astrid and Hester when they were furious and want to attack Ban and the others.

She wasn't a bad person, just being serious all the time. "Rachel.." I called out her name as she turn her head and looked at me while I was rubbing the back of my neck. I was a bit nervous how she going to act when my question but I'm trying to know her well like Gelda, Zeldris and Hawk and Wild. "Why you always be serious all the time?" I asked as Rachel looked shocked even she blick twice while processing everything before she sigh. "Well, it's a part of my father I have since he's serious, strict and have a strong sense of judgment lot. Even if I'm my mother's splitting image, have that side of him but too, my mother's kindness and strong sense of justice" she explained as I nods.

I was bit surprised that she inherited that side of her father but then, I remember about how Ban inherits father's drinking and Margaret and Veronica have to purple shades of hair and brown colour eyes of grandmother Caroline. Selion have resemble of father and Kilia is a little girl version of Ban while many of my family members told me that I look like my mother, Rosabelle Liones. I guess this why she have that type of seriousness.

Rachel soon asked me about my family and why I worked as a Priestess while I give a bright smile. "I always like to help people lot even the children. I wanted to help the orphans who families died or abandon them to give them happiness and hope. And my family, my father is a Werebeast, Ban a Immortal, my two older sister are humans while my younger siblings, Selion and Kilia are like Ban and father. We cares for each other and want the best for everyone. I think if Ban and me talked my oldest sister to stop the war dueling she's the Crown Princess to the throne of Liones" I said.

Rachel seem some shocked but soon smile and saying she hope too. My smile grew more as I knew Margaret wanted to end this war too, in a peace way instead of winning. I know have peace is more happy than sent knights to the battlefield and shed more blood. I know Meliodas is going to end this war and bring peace to our Clans. I hope it can go back what it used to be back then. It wasn't long unlit everyone went to their seats as the waiter came and take our orders. I ended talking to Rachel as getting know her while the others were shocked when I talked to her. I ended learning that she was younger than Meliodas and Zeldris since they're over 3000 while Rachel is 52.

Even she younger than them, she very stricted and seriousness. The waiter came with our food and we eat. Meliodas ended up saying that Rachel will guard Ban and his group from others attack them like Vampires, Werewolves, Elves and witches. Rachel nods while I told Zeldris that Lord Remus talked to buy him a drink from that 'accident' as Zeldris chocked his drink and coughing before Gelda asked what accident. "Oh that! That is nothing to worry about. I'm just...going to buy his drink" Zeldris soon spoke nervously while we were really confused with his snuggling behavior. What really did happen? We eat as I finished before Meliodas took me out of the room while the twins, Hawk and Wild threatened him to not doing his 'horny' stuffs on me.

I blushed deeply while we got to his room and started making out. I was pinned at the wall while his hand was on my waist and the other one was on the wall, as closer to my neck. The kiss ended up getting dominate and passionate while he bite my bottom lip as it started bleeding and he suck it. My face was burning hotter as we pulled from the kiss while we were heavily panting and our head were closer to each others. "That was more  delicious than dinner, my precious Elizabeth" he soon whisper as my face went to lava bits while he chuckled and asked me if I'm getting along with Rachel.

I nods as I explained him that she seem serious lot but she's a really kind and protective friend. Meliodas chucked more and saying I'm quite fitting here more and getting the 'scary' Vampires to like me. I laughed while I know he was right. I'm fitting here more and getting to know Vampires and others. Guess this was the gift what my mother have. The gift to compassion others no what matter they look like. I'm really like her lot, doesn't it.

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