Chapter 8

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Elizabeth's pov

After making out, we spend the whole morning talking, laughing with each other. It was very nice and peaceful to say. I felt happy and enjoying my time with Meliodas lot. It was very hard to explain but I didn't mind at all. I want to be like this with him. I felt very tenderness moment. It was mid afternoon and Meliodas soon take me somewhere in the Vampire Castle. We were still talking. While I was talking to him there was something in my mind I was still wondering. About Meliodas' father and mother, the Vampire King and the Vampire Queen. I know Meliodas told me that they died but I never asked about their relationship with them. They were good parents? Did they look like Meliodas and Zeldris? So many questions I want to asked him but I don't want to upset him or push himself to answer. Soon we heard shouting in main room. We were confused as Meliodas open the door and seeing everyone who very worry at Abigail who look very sick and about to throw up.

We rush fast as Tatius was holding her and tried to clam her down while Hawk and Wild looked like they about to have a heart attack. "Tatius, what happen? And Abigail is she alright?" Meliodas soon asked as Tatius heavily sigh and check on Abigail. Astrid and Hester soon order the bulters to the doctor as they want fast. I bend down where Abigail was sitting and check her temperature before I utter shocked and pulled away my hand. "Abigail, you're burning very badly. Did you eat something bad or got a heavily disease?" I asked in worry tone as Abigail shook her head and give smile to clam me down. I was confused as everyone in the room did while she put her hand on her stomach. I was more confused.

"No, it's morning sickness of the pregnancy I have" she anwsered as we were utter shocked, and Hawk and  Wild pass out. Abigail is prengnant!? "WHATTTT!?!?'' They shouted as Astrid soon demand Tatius to explain and he nervous laugh. "After I asked her to married me, we actually did it and I got her prengnant after our first time. And its a fast pregnancy" Tatius soon explained as we were more shocked than before. Fast pregnancy? Its possible that Abigail's pregnancy is fast? Then again, Tatius is a Demon. No, the Demon Prince and Abigail a Human. I soon asked Astrid and Hester if it possible as they looked at each other before they looked at me. "Well, being prengnant with a Hybrid can speed up the pregnancy, especially if its is with Royal blood. When our mom was prengnant with us, her pregnancy for seven months and ten days. And the pregnancy of Lady Evangeline, the wife of Lord Raphael of the Angel Clan last it for few weeks. I think this pregnancy will last like Lady Evangeline's" Hester explained as I was utter shocked.

I didn't knew about prengncies with a Hybrid can speed up fast. Then again, me and Meliodas have sex as my face burned up quite of badly. Meliodas soon asked if Abigail is in her six day of fast pregnancy as Tatius nods. "I have to take Abigail to our room and asked Angela to heal her morning sickness. I think Israel and Matthew will kill me but maybe Rachel will be more furious more" he said as he pick Abigail up into bridal hold and walked away from the room. Rachel? I was confused who was her as I asked Meliodas. "Rachel? That the Hybrid daughter of the True Vampire Vlad Dracula and Mina Hellsing. She a Dhampir, half Human and half Vampire. She's  the older sister figure of Abigail's mother and her aunt figure. And second Vampire who no one dare to make her mad" Meliodas soon explained as I was shocked but soon nods.

A Dhampir? It possible that Meliodas can get me prengnant. I think not since I haven't Astrid or Hester about prengncies of Human and Vampire. I sighed as Meliodas order everyone to keep Abigail safe when Tatius isn't around with her. I was confused unlit Gelda explained if the Human Clan or the Druids found out about Abigail's pregnancy. She and her baby will be in great in danger than before. I was shock but soon I nods and thinking about it. If anyone like my brother Ban or his group take Abigail back to the Human Clan. She will be more danger than anything. I want to help her out of this. She have been nice, kind, caring and strong willed friend. Thanks to her and the twin, they make me feel comfortable being after Meliodas taken me away from the Human Clan.

I want to protected her and her baby. I f I was on her place, I believe she would protected me and help me in any way. I was in a deepest thought unlit Meliodas kiss my cheek and I blushed before I looked at him. "Elizabeth, is going to be fine. I know Tatius trust me to keep her safe along with Zel, Gelda, the twins and the short temper pigs. Just believe me, o'kay" he said as I was surprised but soon smile and nods before I hug his arm and lean my head onto his shoulder. Meliodas chuckling more before he place a kiss on my forehead. I smile slightly as Meliodas soon take me into the hallways. That when I notice paint of Meliodas and his brother when they were young with other two people. I believe that was their parents as the Vampiress have Zeldris on her lap and Vampire sitting next to Meliodas who was standing.

The Vampire King was a tall and muscular man with dark black, curly hair and paler complexion. He have a short bread and mustache with the same color of his hair. He wearing a black King like adorned clothes that almost match to my grandfather. The Vampire Queen was a beautiful young woman with a long, wavey, blonde hair and pale complexion as wore some moon like earings. She was wearing a white, Victorian, long sleeves, dress with a dark red vest that hug her waist. Both of them have the smiliar mark like Meliodas and Zeldris but different.

I was surprised by the painting and make me more wonder how they were back then? I wonder did Meliodas really care or love them?

The Vampire Prince's mate is a Human Priestress Princess (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now