Chapter 14

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Elizabeth's pov

Rachel free them from the dungeon and everyone got out. As Ban, King and Diane come put with Gowther, Merlin and Escanor. Gowther is doll and member of Ban's group, also the boyfriend of my cousin Nadja. Gowther have a very feminine face that could easily be mistake for a girl. He have a magenta hair that passes to his jaw and amber eye hide with glasses. He wears a white shirt with gray long sleeves over a black cropped tank top as well as pair of dark pants and gray short boots. On his right side was Merlin the Greatest Mage of Britannia as she is a slim, tall attractive woman with black shoulder length hair and stunning golden eyes with beauty under her right eye. She wears a highly revealing white fur collar, violet coat with shape heart white buttons and short shorts with shape heart white button. With high thigh violet boots.

Next to her was Escanor, the strongest Holy Knight. Escanor is large and very muscular man with short cut orange hair and deep blue eyes with a orange mustache. He was shirtless and wore dark green pants with brown shoes. They looked happy to see me but soon got nervous and somehow tense before Meliodas pulled me closer to him and order Rachel that she have to make sure that Chandler or Cusack doesn't attack or kill while they are here. Rachel nods as Meliodas take us out of the dungeon to the castle while they were shocked that Humans, Werewolves and Elves were here as they looked at them and run with fear. I was shocked but soon remember that they know most of the Holy Knights work for the Druids, so I guess why the run away them.

"We should have take them to the garden, instead of here, Meliodas. They're still afraid of the Holy Knights since they work with the Druids and one of them almost tried kill Abigail" Rachel spoke harsh and annoyed tone as Meliodas sigh and saying 'sorry' while Ban and the others were shocked. Meliodas soon walked as keep me very close to him while Ban and Diane were very intense with Meliodas. We were walking while I looked back them then, front as I was many thoughts of my head. I know this very shocking for them but still they are possessing  everything what Meliodas told and about the Hybrids like Rachel, Astrid, Hester, Angela and Abigail's unborn child. I kinda of know why Rachel is acting this dueling that the Holy Knights tried to Abigail when she was helping the Vampire and his mate to get out of the Human Clan.

I was still worried about the Druids and what lie they tell to my grandfather and father. I hope Kilia and Selion aren't worry about me being in the Vampire Clan. I soon notice Astrid and Hester talking with Hawk and Wild before they looked at us and got very shocked but soon growling at Ban and the others while Hawk and Wild went to my side and guard me very protective. I hope they doesn't attack them. "Meliodas! What the hell are Holy Knight doing here?!!" They spanned harshly and cold while Rachel told them to stand down as Ban and the others bit nervous. "They are the rescue group that was going to take Elizabeth back to the Human Clan" Meliodas soon said as shocking them and soon deadly growling at them more like beasts.

They shouted 'ARE YOU INSANE' load as Escanor was about to said something but they growling at him while their eyes turn to crimson and golden irises with a sharp pupils and black sclares as their skin turn deathly white and the hair white like the white moonlight before giving a bloodlust, ragen and wild aura with passion for blood. I was utter shocked that I saw them turn to this while Ban and the others guard up but looked scared. Rachel order them to clam down and telling them do not make a other bloody fight. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU! DUMDASS!!!!" Hawk and Wild shouted as they like pure and utter shocked before Ban the shouted that they can tell. "OF COURSE WE CAN! ASSHOLE!!!" They shouted as Meliodas sent a blast to the ceiling and making them quiet before they looked at Meliodas with utter fear. I turn my head and seeing him furious and annoying that before.

"The reason why I let them out is that one of them is the older brother of Elizabeth and her friends. So I don't want any fighting while they're here, got it?" Meliodas spoke harsher and annoying as they looked shocked but soon nods before Astrid and Hester turn back to normal. I never hear him speak like to them but I knew he was doing that they won't attack Ban and the others. Rachel is apologized to them for Astrid and Hester behavior as Merlin asked her what kinda of race are. "They're Vaewolf, Hybrids of a Werewolf and a Vampire. I'm thankful that Meliodas make them to clam down since their thirst is more stronger than a regular Vampire or Werewolf, even bloody" Rachel add that as they look Astrid and Hester with pure shocked yet, fear before Ban asked about Hawk and Wild.

"Those are the sons of the Mother of Chaos, the Lords of Chaos. They lived here with us for years and don't called them 'talking pigs'. they get very offensive by that name lot" Rachel explained them as they nods while Hawk and Wild claim me that they are keeping me before Ban arguing with them. I notice Rachel was talking clam and normal. I think she knew that they didn't know about what the Druids did. She was trying to be clam and serious order for they didn't think that all Vampires are blood thirsty and hungry for desire with bloodlust lot. She was doing iy for Abigail as Meliodas was doing it for me. They are really like us.

The Vampire Prince's mate is a Human Priestress Princess (Melizabeth)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang