Chapter 38

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Elizabeth's pov

The next morning we were going to wedding of Damien (A.KA Tatius) and Abigail after their child who turn out being girl was born in nighttime moonlight. I couldn't believe it. Abigail was first than me since we when I meet her since was her fifth day of pregnancy. I couldn't help but to be happy for her and pray for True God and the Goddess of the Moon to blessed their future with happiness and pure love. And they named her Abia 'Abby' Christain. I was bit surprise with the name but I couldn't help to giggle. Meliodas was making sure if I was alright since I throw up early morning. I told him, I was fine since Merlin make me medicine pills for the nausea. He sigh while I was wearing a elegant, baby blue and evening gown which the skirt reaches to my knees. It have a leaf lace around to bodice as have midi sleeves and a mandarin collar. With a facial clothing wrap around my waist and tied up into a long bow. Lastly with flat sliver shoes.

I have my hair tied up into a lower, messy bun with white pins of flowers. I look nice and formal for a wedding to today. I notice Meliodas change into a black tuxedo which he look quite of handsome. Very handsomest. For some reason dueling of the prengancy, I end up giving him a chaste kiss on the cheek which freeze him and seeing bright red dusts rose on his cheeks. I giggled as he pulled me closer to him which he have a huge smirk on his face. I slightly burn up while I have a childish small smile. "Well, well, well... isn't my little mate is being quite of childish and disobedient? I'm going to punish you after the wedding, Elizabeth" he whisper which cause me a shiver down to my back and burning up deeply. "OH HELL NO! YOU PREV!!!!!" I soon heard Hawk.

Hawk headbutt Meliodas while Wild pulled me away from him as Hawk threatened him to get away from me and don't do his horny things on me like always. I soon burn up to crimson as Rachel told them to stop which they soon sigh of annoyance and let him go before give him a warning. Rachel sigh and telling Meliodas the carriage was ready for us. Meliodas nods as we soon leave the Castle with Hawk, Wild, Zeldris, Gelda and the twins in carriage. I notice how beautiful was today since it was perfect to have a wedding and happiness with joy and love. The wedding was beautiful and nice as I saw Abigail wore a beautiful and stunning bride's dress and veil. Even Damien who wore a white suiy which makes him look good looking. We soon heard the vows and speechs as they were beautiful and lovely.

I never thought weddings were this beautiful. I think I'm going to cry. "Abigail Alma Christian Iglesias, Elder Daughter of the Christian Tribe, will you take Crown Demon Prince Damien as your husband and King?" The priest spoke which Abigail said 'I do'. " Prince Damien, Crown Demon Prince of Demon Clan, will you take Abigail Christian as your wife and Queen of the Demon Clan?" Damien nods and saying he's do with his hearts. Tbe priest declare them as husband and wife as new Demon King and Queen of the Demon Clan which Damien pull Abigail into a passionate kiss, and everyone cheer with joy. I clap while we went to ballroom which large and have lot of food there.

Hawk, Wild and twins to snatch their foods while Gelda asked Zeldris what he owns to Lord Remus which he turn  pale and take Gelda into somewhere private. Why I'm feeling something will happen with them? We soon heard Abigail's voice call us which I soon turn around and seeing walking towards us and carrying a beautiful baby. I think that was their daughter, she have a light golden hair, light blue eyes with fair, pale complexion. She was sleeping which I take a look of her and seeing she has remarkably resemblance and quite smiliar like Abigail. I couldn't help to but be happy and adore her daughter. She's gorgeous as her. "Wow, she really looks like you, Abigail. I wonder how she will be with kids since demon have a rapidly aging lot. I hope she will be a good babysitter" Meliodas joke as we laughs quietly.

Damien soon told 'in his weird dreams' which soon Abigail ask why we didn't tell her about I was pregnant and about I'm Sibyl. I soon blush of embarrassment while Meliodas explain that we didn't want to cause her worries since she was pregnant. Abigail nods before the Astrid and Hester come and seeing her daugher which they soon lit up their eyes and adore her daughter as whispers things about her which were nice and cute. "We should start thinking about Abby's godparents since I think everyone will ask about that" Damien said as we laugh which the night went on. We end up meeting the Demon King Romulus who was nice and formal to Meliodas and me. He have a older resemeble to Damien somhow. We joy the party as we heard a emotainal speech of Abigail's younger brothers, Israel and Matthew saying they're happy for her and meeting their new niece which they hope Damien takes good care of them and protect them.

It made me more smile than before as Abigail's father, the Chieftain Barak end up crying as I was bit arwkard bit I knew he loves her so much and never expect his little girl end up getting marry and having a child. I could see that. After the party as the sky was pure black and the moon was giving a love moonlight glow. Meliodas took me back to the Vampire Clan's Castle as punish or should I say make love... I burn the whole time while his doing. I couldn't help but enjoy it every bit of thing. Meliodas have me on his chest as I give the last moan which his darkness wrap around me and keeping me warm and close to him. Meliodas slightly chuckled before giving me a kiss on my lips and whisper something which  shock me but I fall asleep before answering or ask.

"Marry me"

The Vampire Prince's mate is a Human Priestress Princess (Melizabeth)Where stories live. Discover now