18. I Remember You (1)

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After signing the acceptance record, Sera takes the parcel given by the postman. It was sent to Jungkook from PhotoGram Co. She frowns as she examines the parcel. Unknowingly, she is already inside Jungkook's room to put it on his table.

"Oh. My. God." She was shocked looking at the messy room. Papers unarranged on his table and lots of it crumpled in the dustbin and outside it as it overloads. Sera shook her head.

"Jeon Jungkook. Sometimes I wonder if you are a student or an employed lyricist." She picked the crumpled papers and eventually tidy up his room. She only hopes Jungkook won't throw tantrum tonight.

When she finished sweeping the floor, she picks the laundry and put it in a basket. Then she tidy up his bed. Lastly, his table. She rearranged his books and his papers, also she found a family photo frame. She smiles while looking at it. She decides to wipe it since it was dusty a bit.

Sera then noticed there is another frame there, on his book shelf above the desk. There are seven boys in it. She guess its Bangtan Boys because she recognizes them. Sera's eyes getting smaller as she is looking at a face. She takes the frame for a closer look.

Among the seven boys, there is someone she didn't recognized much as he wears shade on their first meeting and since she has never see him clearly. In the picture, they look like they are at school's yard together with tools. That blonde boy who has his arms around Jungkook and Jimin, looks so familiar with the one she saw at the hall.

"Y-yoo?" She then chuckled by herself.

"It can't be..right?" She tried stay calm. It’s surprising of course. If, they have met.

That evening, Sera decided to take a look at Suga. It has been one week since she last saw him. As usual, she was with her umbrella, waiting for him at the corner of the road. When she heard a car is coming, she quickly hid behind a phone box.

"Thanks. See you all tomorrow." Suga got off from the car and waved at them as he smiles sweetly. Sera closed her mouth because she was too shocked. The pink haired guy is her son! He dyed his hair! Sera leaned on the phone booth. Her tears fall down.

The one she longs for was always just by her side. It was her who didn't recognize him. She turned at the sound of open gate. Suga went inside, not knowing someone was there, watching him. Sera wondered if Suga didn't recognized her when they met last week.

"It has been 14 years though." She bit her lips. Holding back her tears. The moment all the boys gathered at her house, keep playing in her head.


Suga sighed while climbing upstairs. Although it is last week of school and the exams were over, he still feels tired. He still have to prepare for entrance exam though. Suga throw his bag on his bed and walk towards the window because he wants to close the curtain and because he wanted a sleep. XD

"She's here again." Suga pulled a small smile.

He saw the woman with her umbrella at the phone booth. He actually noticed her presence all this time.

After the key dropped incident, he noticed her since then. Always at the same spot, waiting for him after school. She tried hard to hide from him. Yes he can't see her on his way home but he saw her from his room. Just like this, he knew she already knew that her son is doing well even without her.

Suga gripped the curtain hard when he realized she was crying. Suga frowns. What the hell? What happened? He wanted to jump down right now and run to her. Hug her and calm her down. But he hold himself. Today is not the right time yet. He sighed in relieve when she calmed down and slowly walked home.

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