16. The Christmas Party

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Night before christmas, instead of helping his parents at the kitchen, Suga excused himself into his room. He is busy editing the video he has been making starting from when he knows Bangtan. He chuckled when he edits Namjoon's part where he kept on ruining the coop they have been build. He loves recording, everytimes they gather together, he will record those times so that he can always rewind it everytime he misses it.

Now he is editing the basketball championship video. He thought he should not use that and decides to put the video they practice together.

"Huh? What's this?" Suga frowned when he found an unknown video inside the memory card. He clicks play button.

Noises greet him in the beginning of the video. Suga smiled. He recognised the noise: it's Jhope and Taehyung. He heard a pop sound. They must be celebrating something. Suga frowned again. Why he doesn't know about this?

"Hi Suga hyung! If you're watching this, first I'm sorry for using it without your permission." Namjoon appeared on the screen and winked.

"I'm recording the celebrations of Jin hyung and Kookie for their hardwork. You're not here that's why I record this for you. You should thanked me later and don't get mad!" Namjoon grinned afterward. The camera then focusing to record the place and the people. Namjoon praised the fancy restaurant chosen by Jin's parents.

"You're recording?" A voice was heard.

"What are you recording?" The voice asked again.

It seemed like the owner of the voice wanted to appear on screen but Namjoon didn't let him, causing that the camera to shake.

"Yah! I wanna see it!"

Namjoon was still not answering yet he moved the camera other way and higher in the air. A hand then seen on screen and brought it back to normal eye-level. Jhope appeared on screen with cheeky smile!

"This is Jhope! I'm your hope!" He exclaimed and waved his peace sign. A hand then smacked his face away. Jhope laughed because he managed to annoy Namjoon. He walked away and still managed to turn around and sticked out his tongue when he feels Namjoon wanted to conquer the camera all by himself.

The screen shook a bit when Namjoon walked to a direction. A figure of a fine man and elegant woman were seen seating by a table, eating while chatting.

"They are Jin hyungs omma and appa." Namjoon voice heard again. The screen was focusing on the couple. "They're super rich I told ya." Namjoon whispered.

Suga chuckled. I know that you brat. He's my dude though. Suga's smile ceased after that. He rushed to pause the video and pressing the replay button.

"Who?" Suga slowly pressed the play button as he swallowed his saliva nervously. When Jungkook's face appeared, Suga paused it again. He felt something uneasy.

Knock. Knock.

"Y-yeah?" Suga flipped down his laptop.

"Come on. The food is ready." Mrs. Min voice was heard on the other side of the door.

"I-ll be down soon."

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Min felt something from his shaky voice.

"Yes. I'm exercising right now. Uhh..huhh.. I'll be down there in five minutes." Suga lied to her as he lift up and down his laptop as if it was a dumbell.

"Okay." She believed him and walked downstairs.

When he was sure that Mrs. Min had gone downstairs, he looked at his laptop with unknown expression.

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