17. Jin's Three Questions

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Taehyung and Jimin were chatting together. Taehyung kept showing off his sweatshirt to Jimin making him made face as if he was annoyed. After so much chat, Taehyung felt thirsty so he goes outside (he and Jimin chat at the living room) to find water.

On his way, he saw Suga and Jungkook were still at the garden. They didn't even noticed him when he walks pass by them because the juice drink is near Suga, under a tree. Taehyung is about to go away when suddenly he hears Suga asked something weird.

"Are you by chance, know who I am?" Suga stared at Jungkook.

"Huh?" Jungkook seemed shocked with the sudden question. So does Taehyung.

"O-of course I know you hyung. You're part of Bangtan. My family at school." Jungkook answered with eyes a bit shaking as he was nervous and uneasy. Suga chuckled.

"Yeah right." He said and sipped some juice. They both fell in silence for a moment.

"What are you still doing there? Let’s get inside! It’s cold out here!" Jhope stood by the sliding door, hugging himself. He gestured them to get inside.

"Okay." Suga got up first. Jungkook followed him but he was surprised to see Taehyung standing in front of him just across the table. Taehyung smiled.

"Help me to get juices for everyone." Taehyung acted like nothing happened. As if he didn't even eavesdrop them.

After another one hour spending Christmas at Jungkook's home, they decided to leave.

"Thanks ma'am for inviting us here." Namjoon, as the leader expressed his gratitude.

"The party and the games were fun too!" Jhope said. Smiling widely.

"And the food were super delicious! Seriuosly!" Jin gave her two thumbs up. Jimin and Taehyung nodded.

"Let’s go." Suga walked out first. They followed as they bowed to her.

"You're not going hyung?" Jimin asked when Suga when he didn't get inside the car. Suga shook his head. He waved and walked away.

"What's with that hyung tonight?" Jimin whispered to Jhope. Jhope made a thinking face then shrugged. He mouthed to Jin. They didn't even ask him yet, but he had pushed down the brake.

"Wear your seatbelts." Jin said as he turned the steering wheel and smoothly stepped on the clutch and change the car gear to move.

"Do only I realize something was off here?" Jimin whispered to Taehyung. But Taehyung remains silent. His sharp gaze was looking at the side mirror showing Suga's back figure who was now had his hoodie covered the head.

"Now everyone seems weird." Jimin pouted and folded his arm as he leaned on his seat. Jin slightly glanced at Jimin through the mirror then he looked at Taehyung.

"Hyung, focus." Namjoon tapped his shoulder.


"Mom! Where do I put this?!" Jungkook was helping his mother by cleaning the party site. He was holding the barbeque set.

"Bring it to the store room after you washed it." She yelled from inside, then coming out with apron on her. Wiping her hands on it as it were wet after washing the dishes.

"I'll clean the table." She said to Jungkook because early Jungkook has warned her not to step on the garden and let him does the cleaning.

"No mom. I've said I'm doing it. Please don't breae the promise." Jungkook firmly warned her again. She pouted.

"Well then, my son is the strongest man in the world!" She moved to press his shoulder. They chuckled.

From afar, Suga watched them. He was spying them from the back alley of the house. He bitterly ssmiled.

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