Nikkou grins, relieved.

“What are you all doing here anyway?” I ask as I walk closer, my hand poised to grab a kunai, having sensed something off the moment I walked inside. “And how come I didn’t sense all four of you?”

Yumi laughs, her red hair glistening in the torchlight.

“I forgot you weren’t my partner for that long. I can make my chakra disappear. It’s kind of like a Kekkei Genkai. I can also morph chakra into any shape I want to.” I nod, satisfied.

Kagem steps forward, a funny look on his face.

“What are you doing here?”  He asks, his voice strained.

“I came to…you still haven’t told me why you are here.”

“We came to destroy the base.” Leo answers, holding up one of his playing cards laced with explosive chakra.

“Why? This is a perfectly good hideout. It’s out of the way but not too far and nobody but the Akastuki and I know of this place…” I trail off, coming to a realization. “I see.”

“I’m sorry Utau. I really am.” Kagem answers truthfully, sorrow clearly etched across his face.

I nod.

“It’s ok. It’s not your fault you have to obey orders.”

Kagem and his partner nod.

“Utau, I wish I could have gotten to know you better. You seem like someone who could have been my best friend.” Yumi speaks truthfully.

“Me too Yumi.”

 I turn to Leo, unspoken words crossing between us.

During our time together we had gotten close despite Leo’s tendencies to be a complete psycho. I love him like a brother which only makes their betrayal hurt worse.

“Is she here or did she send you to do her dirty work?” 

They look at each other then back at me.

“I see.” I nod and do a backflip, narrowly missing a kunai aimed directly at my heart.

“Nice to see you too!” I call out.

“Oh Utau, you could have been the best member the Akastuki has ever had but you had to anger the wrong person.” Isabel’s voice rings out. “I don’t know what you did to make Leader hate you so much but you certainly made her mad.

“Everyone, leave us. This is between Utau and Leader.” Isabel says as she emerges from the shadows, a grim look on her face.

Everyone runs to do her bidding, not chancing to get on Leader’s wrong side as well. They spare one last sorrowful look at me before disappearing within the base.

Isabel approaches me, a strange look on her face. She traces my jaw with her finger, her eyes clouded thoughtfully.

“I liked you Utau, I really did, which is rare for me.” She looks up. “I almost regret having to do this.” She jabs my stomach with a kunai, making me gasp in pain.

She lets go and backs up, smiling darkly.

I slide to the floor, my hand gripping the kunai imbedded in my stomach.

I look up.

“I liked you too Isabel but that doesn’t make killing you any more regrettable either.”

I pull out the kunai, wincing from the fresh pain and blood.

“As always, you surprise me with your strength.” Isabel comments as she watches me struggle to a stand.

We lung at each other, kunai’s in hand, mine already dripping with my blood.

“Enough!” a clear voice rings out.

“Isabel, leave us. Now!”

Isabel pales.

“But Milady...”


“Yes milady!” Isabel yells as she scrambles to leave the room.

“Utau…” Mutters the Leader as she comes into view.

She is still wearing the same black clothing as I first saw her in, making her face impossible to see.

“It seems your memories are still a little foggy. Good.” She comments as she carefully watches my expression.

“What do you mean?” I sneer.

She laughs, her laugh echoing loudly in the big empty room.

“You would know if you could remember. But you can’t and that is perfectly fine with me. That means I can intrigue you with the mystery of me a little longer.”

I take a few steps away from her advancing figure.

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Oh but you do, Utau. You do know. You know everything you just can’t remember yet.” She says lowly.

“Which is why I am not going to kill you yet. It makes it more enjoyable if you know who I am and where is the fun in telling you myself?” She laughs again.

“Well then Utau, it was nice to talk with you again. I look forward to the next time we meet when I kill you.”

“Wh..” My eyes widen.

I hadn’t even seen her weave any hand signs.

I struggle to stay awake, fighting off the darkness that threatens to take over my conciseness.

“Good night, Sweet. Until next time.” She bursts into a fit of laughter that echoes as she walks away.

My eyelids droop shut, the world fading to a dull buzz.

***Authors Note***

And here is the promised chapter! Enjoy!

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