Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I turn over in my bed, unable to go back to sleep. Something awakened me and now I cannot find the deep sleep that took me before.

I sit up in the dark. I sigh and turn my head. I glance at the clock.


I sigh.

My eyes continue looking around. They land on a soft violet lily sitting on my desk. My eyes widen. I jump out of bed and grab the lily.

The lily is a mixture of a lighter violet and a darker purple. They only grow wild in the plains where I spent my childhood, but Yoso Seigyo users can cause them to grow anywhere. Shizuka and I are the only ones that know about them.

My grip tightens around the lily. Leaving it there on my desk can only mean one thing.


I run as fast as I can down the hall. I stop when I see my father answering the door. A man I recognize as an ANBU black op comes through the door. His face is as grim as death. I am unable to hear them speak.

The man finishes speaking, His face full of unspoken grief.

Yamiyasha stands there, silent, for a moment then crumples to the floor.

I run to him. I grab him and shake him as hard as I can.

“Father!” I yell.

My father is limp in my arms, his face a mask of hopelessness. I see a single tear slide down his cheek. I brush it away.

“Father, what happened?” I whisper.

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