Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

I blink slowly and sit up.

I run a hand through my hair and spit the dirt out of my mouth.

I stand and survey the scene before me.

The area surrounding me is completely flattened and trees are sparse after that. To my left a line of trees have been barrowed down and burnt to a crisp, leaving a trail.

 Everywhere I look destruction is obvious.

I wince and grab my head. All memory of yesterday is gone from my mind.

I try to recall what happened here but all I get is a bigger headache and a not so surprise visit from Amaya.

“Utau! What were you thinking? You practically gave away the location of the Akastuki hideout by losing it and destroying most of the forest!” Amaya screeches.

‘Shut up old hag! I am trying to think!’ I yell back, not in the best mood having slept on the dirt ground and having no memory of last night.

“Who are you calling old hag you ungrateful wench! I may be old but I am not a hag!”

‘Wench? Really Amaya? That was the best insult you could think of?’

 “Well it’s not like old hag is anything new either!”

‘Just shut up!’ I sigh and attempt to brush off the dirt covering my cloak.

 Arguing with Amaya has caused my mood to darken considerably, causing my mind to be in turmoil.

I give up trying to remember and decide to talk to Isabel to figure out what happened.

Something in the back of my mind tells me that I will regret going back.

I shrug it off and wonder off to find Isabel.

I walk quietly through the halls of the hideout, with not a soul in sight.

The office is empty so I make my way to the “chill” room.

I hear angry whispers through the door and hesitate to open it. The whispers stop so I open the door to find the leader standing by Isabel with an all too familiar figure beside her.

“I think I know why I spent the night on dirt.” I whisper to myself and turn to leave.

“Wait! Utau! Please just give me a chance to explain!”

“There is nothing to explain. I understand why you killed the elder but mother too? I never want to understand that.” I say harshly and start to close the door.

I stop and reach for the clasp on my cloak.

“I’m sorry Isabel but I can’t work with him. Find someone else to do your bidding.” I let the cloak drop to the floor.

“Keep it. If only as a keepsake.” I nod and pick up the cloak.

I sigh and close the door behind me. My memories still haven’t returned but I have a pretty good guess what happened.

I say one last goodbye to the hideout before leaving for good.

I wipe a single tear away from my cheek and trudge on. Seeing Shizuka has awakened new feelings inside. Ones that I can’t explain, only that they make it seem worthless to continue living.

I mull over my past as I continue on. Stopping only when the familiar gates come into view. I smile slightly before sneaking in. I jump from rooftop to rooftop, eager to see how Yuuto is doing and eager to take my mind off of Shizuka.

I arrive at the hospital and ask where his room is. An unfamiliar face smiles and tells me before going back to her duty.

I make my way to his room, slowly beginning to dread his reaction to seeing me.

I hesitate before knocking.

“Come in.” his voice answers.

I open the door and step inside, closing it behind me.

The look on Yuuto’s face pierces through me like a knife.

“Yuuto…” I whisper while holding back fragile tears.

“Get out! Now!” He says harshly while glaring daggers at me.

I stay where I am.

“You lied Utau. You lied to all of us while keeping a straight face. You don’t deserve tears.” At his words the very same tears he had been talking about start sliding down my cheek. I take a step toward Yuuto.

“Leave and never come back. You would be arrested anyway. It might already be too late.” He says then turns away from me.

I whip around when I hear the door opening behind me. My eyes widen when the familiar gravity defying silver hair walks through the door.

“Kakashi…” I whisper before making a run for it.

He drops the vase of flowers he had been holding and runs after me.

Instead of running down the hall I jump for the window. The glass shatters as my body makes contact with it.

Despite Kakashi’s old age he easily catches up to me.

I curse under my breath and increase my speed. I finally arrive at the gates and clear them easily.

I jump when Kakashi lands beside me.

“How?...” I trail off.

How could I have been so careless to come back to Konaha?

I shake my head.

“You’re not going to let me go are you?”

“What do you think?” He says as he lifts his headband up, revealing his sharingan.

I snort.

“You really think you can hope to match me with the Sharingan?”I sneer.

“There is no way I am letting you go, Even if it costs me my life.”

“it’s not like there is much left of your life anyway, right old man?” I tease with my eyes closed.

I finally open them to reveal my Ketsueki-Me.

I see Kakashi’s eyes narrow before his hands fly to form the correct signs for Chidori.

“What is that?” he questions, gesturing to my eyes.

I give a forced laugh.

“One of my Kekkie Genkai. And this one isn’t stolen like yours.” The red in my eyes deepen in anticipation of the battle.

He frowns.

“One of them?”

“Enough talk old man!” I yell and begin to form hand signs of my own.

“I agree.” He states while smiling.

My eyes widen as I whip around to see the flash of metal before I black out.

***Authors Note***


Once again It’s been over a week since I last updated… I got busy with the 4th and all the other stuff I had to do. Sadly I have lost a lot of sleep recently as a result so this chapter is short and… well short. :)

I will try to write like crazy so I don’t leave you hanging unsatisfied for a long time again.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter despite the shortness of it all.

I want to know your opinions on Shizuka! Should I make Utau hate him for the rest of her life or should she forgive him or should he die before she can make a decision or….Anyway tell me what you think!

Don’t forget to Vote and comment!

Poker FaceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora