Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

“That’s two sightings in barely a week.” Konahamaru scrunches up his nose in concentration. “We don’t see them or hear from them in almost 2 decades and now suddenly the Akastuki is popping up all over the place. Two different teams spotted near Konaha.” He lifts his head. “We are so dead.”

“Now Konohamaru, don’t be so pessimistic.” I say, a sadistic grin on my face. “We have two former Akastuki members on our side and my acquaintances have made contact. It’s Leader who is dead.”

“What possessed you to let them join us? For all we know they could be spies.”

“I trust them with my life! Something I don’t do often.” I turn and survey the room, my first and-not including a few- my only friends gathered in the tent.

“I trust you all with my life.” Akane smiles and squeezes my hand, knowing that was hard for me to admit.

“Thank you Utau. And no Konohamaru, we are not spies.” Kagem says as he steps closer.

“Are you going to tell us what your contacts said?” Hayate inquires.

“Maybe.” I say and unfurl the map.

“The island is here. It’s only accessible by someone who possesses the Ketsueki-Me or something similar.”

“The Ketsueki-Me?” Shinobu asks, her brow furrowed.

“Oh…I forgot you don’t know.”

I sigh and close my eyes, tilting my head up toward the light.

When I open them again the violet of my eyes is gone, replaced by the bottomless black slashed with red of my Kestueki-Me

“Wha..” Shinobu stumbles back, her eyes widening.

“Shinobu!” Yuuto grabs her shoulders, trying to snap her out of it.

“Those eyes…I have seen them before…”She whispers, horror etched into the lines on her face. “I looked into them and saw…”She trails off, backing further away.

I quickly shut my eyes and return them to normal.

“I’m sorry Shinobu. That day when I attacked you I used the Ketsueki-Me.”

I take a step closer than survey the room.

“The Ketsueki-Me is also known as the Blood eye. There was a rumor floating around my village that whoever looked into the Blood eye could see every life taken, every injury inflicted by the owner of those eyes. I suppose that it’s true in a way.”

I hold out my hand to touch her cheek.

“I cannot say how sorry I am that you saw what you did. There is no way of knowing exactly what you saw but whatever it was I know it wasn’t good. I can only hope that you will forgive me.”

She grasps my hand.

“I forgive you. You have to live with the full horror of your past every day. I only caught a glimpse but that was enough to know how strong you truly are.”

I nod and move my hand away.

“Thank you.”

“Now, give me a few more days for my contacts to get here then we will strike.”

“What’s the plan?” Konohamaru asks, leaning on the table to get a better view of the map.

“No one can access that island without me so I will head the attack. I know that island like the back of my hand. We will have no problem sneaking up on them.” I pause.

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