Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

When I reach the Haruno residence undetected by anyone I pause before entering. I hear Akane’s loud nonstop chatter and smile despite myself.

‘Snap out of it!’ the voice in my head feels like a stinging slap to the face.

I shake my head and continue on my way.

The second I open the door I see Akane’s red head whip around to face me. Her face brightens and she comes running to hug me. I step to the side, barely missing the hug.

Her smile doesn’t dampen.

“Where were you?” She screeches happily.

“I got out of the country for a while because of the Crimson Snow Rose’s appearance.” I tell her half of the truth.

“Oh! I knew that!” She smacks her forehead.

“Anyway! Come on! The Hokage just called a meeting of all the jonin. I think you can come even though you aren’t officially a jonin.” She grabs my wrist and pulls me toward the door. I follow behind dutifully.

When we enter the large room used for meetings of this size a few ninja waves in our direction. I wave back, recognizing the familiar faces.

Katsuo ,Toshi and Akio wave enthusiastically at me while Akiko stands there glaring at me.

I roll my eyes and advance in their direction.

Once I am there Toshi introduces me to the others standing there.

“You already know Takeo so he needs no introduction.” He says while pointing at brooding blue eyes.

“This is Tetsuya Aburame. He is kinda quite so don’t pound him if he doesn’t say anything.” Toshi says while glaring at Akane who blushes and pretends to be innocent.

Tetsuya has short black hair and black beetle like eyes. He is wearing the usual Aburame getup minus the glasses which are for some reason on the floor with a few cracks in them.

I nod in acknowledgement. He sticks his hand out stiffly and shakes mine.

“And this is Kiyomi Nara.” He pushes her forward.

“Hi! I am Kiyomi but you can call me Kiyo-chan.” She shakes her long black hair and gives me a bright smile.

“Hello Kiyomi.” A shadow falls across her face for a moment at my refusal to call her Kiyo-chan.

“This is Michio Akimichi. Don’t mind him.” He points at the bag of chips in his hand.

Michio is a tall skinny young man with red hair and freckles. He has chip crumbs littering his face.

I refuse to shake his hand and turn to the next person.

“This is Momoka Yamanaka.” A young woman with short blonde hair and blue eyes steps forward.

“Hi! I am sooo happy to meet you at last! Toshi and Akane have told me so many good things about you and Akiko has told me the bad things but I don’t mind your flaws it’s all part of you right?” Momoka says cheerfully, her deliriously happy smile infectious.

The moment my lips start to quirk up into a real smile I get a pounding headache.

I place my hand on the side of my head and scrunch up my face in pain.

I hear yelling faintly in the background but soon forget about it in the immense pain that is filling my head.

Through the pain I hear the voice that had warned me earlier scream in my head.

“You idiot! You will lose everything you have worked for if you befriend these people. Do not put all your hard work to waste! Remember the pain and hatred your father made you feel! Do not forget!” The voice and pain fades slowly.

I blink slowly and realize that in my agony I had fallen to my knees.

I look around and notice that Takeo is hunched worriedly in front of me, his face full of concern. He realizes I am staring at him and quickly changes his expression to one of boredom. He stands up and makes room for a medical ninja to take his place.

I stand up quickly and brush away everyone’s worried looks and comments.

“I am fine.” I hiss through clenched teeth.

The medical nin shakes her head and steps closer.

“Let me check to see if you are ok.” She says.

I swat her hands away and glare at her.

I can feel my chakra bubbling in anger, slowly turning to a frightening black.

“Don’t touch me.” My voice rises in anger. “Stay away from me!” I yell at the gathered shinobi.

The hokage pushes his way through the crowd surrounding me.

“Utau…Are you all right?”  He comes closer.

My violet eyes flashed with anger.

I straighten to my full height and glare daggers at anyone who dares to meet my eyes.

The crowd surrounding me backs up a little, giving me more room to breathe.

Naruto stays put.

“Get out of my way.” I hiss dangerously.

He just stands there.

I turn on my heels and stalk out in the other direction, desperate to get out of there.

On my way out I pass Hayate. He is leaning against the door looking bored and nonchalant.  His eyes flicker in my direction but then turn away as I pass.

I ignore him and continue on my way, jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

My speed quickens as my emotions heighten.

I am going so fast I don’t notice when I pass by the village gates.

I travel far into the forest, holding back the urge to create mass destruction.

I feel something cool gather at the corner of my left eye.

I stop where I am and lift a trembling hand to my eye. I gently touch the corner of my eye and lower my hand to stare surprised at the small wet drop on my fingertip.

I shake my head and give a strangled scream. I fall to my knees and place a palm against the tree trunk.

In my anguish I don’t notice that I stopped concentrating my chakra at my feet.

I glance up surprised as I fall from my perch on the branch. I let myself fall from the high branch, not caring about the pain I would feel when I hit the ground.

As I fall old memories that I had buried resurface. Happy memories of Shizuka, my mother, and when I was very young my friends.

Again I feel the splitting pain fill my head. I hear an angry screech echo in the depths of my mind.

All of this happened in seconds, giving me barely enough time to yell from my massive headache before I hit the hard earth.

***Authors Note***

Her shell is finally cracking! She actually cried! *gasp*

I hope you all like this chapter! I am on a roll! Three chapters in three days!

Dedicated to DarkWolf991 for all the commenting. :) Thanks DarkWolf! all your commenting is the reason I decided to update again.

Anyway enjoy the chapter and don’t forget to vote and comment!

Poker FaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora