Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I run through the streets of Konaha, searching tirelessly for Akane.

After an hour of desperate searching I wander into a wide clearing with a sparkling waterfall. I see a huddled figure by the pool and walk over to see who it is.

I identify her by her chakra before I am close enough to see her red hair.

“Akane…” I say softly.

She turns around to reveal a tear streaked face.

“Akane, I am so sorry…”

“Don’t…Please…You will only make it hurt more…” She whimpers.

“Akane.” I say again, my voice firm.

She lifts her head to look at me.

“I want you to know that I have never apologized to anyone ever and truly meant it. The last time I even said the words apologize or sorry was when I was 11.” I say sternly.

“I hope you also know that you are special enough to be my friend. The last time I had a friend was when I was 5 and even then they were too scared of my father to truly be my friend.”

She glances up, startled.

“I’m your…friend?” She asks.

I nod.

Her face brightens into a smile.

“Really?” I nod again.

She jumps up and hugs me tightly.

“Thank you.” She says softly.

For once she doesn’t yell or jump around. She just stands there smiling.

I can’t help but to smile.

“Friends…” I repeat.

Akane and I walk side by side through the streets of Konaha, occasionally laughing at something the other said.

I can’t remember the last time I have felt carefree and at peace. For the first time in a long time I feel like my heart is smiling.

The peace is broken when a running figure approaches.

I identify her as Shinobu before she is close enough for me to see the distress on her face.

Tears mixed with mascara run down her face. She stumbles through the crowd with terror in her eyes. She spots us and runs in our direction. She falls into Akane’s arms and continues to sob.

“What’s wrong Shinobu? Akane asks.

“They took him!” She cries into Akane’s arms.

“Took who?” I ask calmly.

“They took him! They took him away!” She sobs hysterically.

“Who was taken and by whom?” I ask sternly.

“Yuuto! They took Yuuto! The lighting shinobi took Yuuto!” She wails and collapses to the ground in defeat.

I stiffen at her words.

“Yuuto?” I whisper, stunned.

In the short time that I got to know him he became like a brother to me despite the fact that I gave him the cold shoulder on our last parting.

“Don’t worry Shinobu! We will get him back!” Akane states determined.


Shinobu and Akane turn to stare at me with open mouths.

“No? All you can say is no?” Shinobu stands and screams in my face.

“I will go. You will stay here.” I state, just as stubborn as her.

“No! He is my fiancé! I won’t leave him there to be rescued by you!” Shinobu yells in my ears.

I don’t even flinch.

“Fiance? It’s about time!” Akane exclaims.

Shinobu blushes then turns back to me.

“I will go. You will stay.” I say firmly, cutting off Shinobu before the words can come out of her open mouth.

“There will be no discussion.”

“Why are you so determined?” Akane asks softly.

I turn my hard glare to look at her.

“Because it’s my fault.”

“How is it your fault?” Shinobu asks, confused.

“I will go. You will stay.” I repeat.

During this whole conversation the voice in my head had been screaming hell at me. My head feels like someone smashed it with a sludge hammer but I ignore the pain and walk away from a stunned Akane and Shinobu.

My determination eventually blocks her voice from my head and the pain fades. Either that or I have grown numb to the pain.

I make my way to Akane’s house to gather my few belongings and prepare to leave Konaha once and for all.

I leave a note addressed to Naruto on the kitchen table before I leave with my stuff. I take one last look around Akane’s house and sigh.

I close the door softly behind me and begin the journey that will change my life forever.

***Authors Note***

Do you think Utau’s time in Konaha went by too fast? I think it did. I have an idea to bring her back but it would cause some major conflict and….I just got an idea…(sinister smile). Anyway so yeah. Thanks for helping me figure out some more of the plot line even though technically you didn’t do anything!

I still think the plot line might be progressing too fast.

Tell me what you like about the plot line so far! And of course what you don’t like about it! This is important to me so comment away!

And don’t forget to vote! It’s only a small click away!

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