Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

 I lower my head in what to everybody else seems like shame; I actually am hiding a smile.

I hear the disappointment in the hokage’s voice. I raise my head to look him in the eyes.

“You put your teacher in the hospital fighting for her life for more than three weeks then you disappear! What were you thinking?” I shrug.

“Obviously you are not ready to receive a headband. While your Sensei is in the hospital recovering I will have you watched at all times and trained by more than one at a time to make sure something like this doesn’t happen again.”

I shrug again, confident enough in my abilities that more than one ninja “babysitting” me does not pose a threat.

“I will now appoint your temporary teachers. And just because they are around the same age as you doesn’t mean you get to disrespect them!”

“Since when has age stopped me?” I sneer.

“Good point…anyway I will have Hayate Kaneko take over your training and appoint others to help him. Normally he would actually be on your team but since you aren’t ready to become a ninja I will have him train you. Maybe that will teach you a lesson.

“By the way I am surprised you got Yuuto angry enough to try to punch you. He is usually a very peaceful man who never resorts to violence unless it is absolutely necessary.” I smirk at the Hokage’s comment.

I don’t think the Hokage is supposed to congratulate me on getting someone angry enough to punch me. Whatever…

I shrug lightly and turn to leave.

“Hayate will meet you in the same place you trained with Shinobu. Good luck with him!” I turn only to see the stupid grin on Naruto’s face.

He really hasn’t changed much has he?

“What do you mean?”

“Well he isn’t the best of character. Let’s just say he isn’t as forgiving and understanding as Shinobu.” He smiles again and gives me thumbs up.

“Good luck!”

I roll my eyes and leave the Hokage’s office, nodding my head in acknowledgment to Sakura on my way out.

I make my way to Red’s house, not sure if I am still welcome to stay.

I didn’t have a chance to ask Sakura before I left the Hokage’s office so I want to ask Akane if she is home.

On my way there my memory goes to the last few weeks that I had been gone from Konoha.

I sit there quietly sipping my tea. I look around the small tea shop.

I had escaped to this small village when I almost killed my Sensei.

Apparently in Konoha that is considered illegal.  How was I supposed to know that?

I shrug and continue sipping my tea.

I glare in annoyance as one of the waitresses almost stumbles on to my table. My eyes follow what she is staring dreamily at.

Across the room is a young man with thick curly black hair and what is considered a handsome face.

He is sitting next to another young man who looks older than his years. Lines are etched into his tan face. His light brown hair sometimes seems a little bit grey if looked at a certain way.

They sit there drinking their tea and ignoring the loving stares of the women in the tea shop.

I get up and walk over to where they are sitting. I slide into the booth next to the surprised curly haired man.

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