Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

“I understand you would like to become an official Konaha ninja. You will be given the rank of genin and will be trained by one of our best sensei’s.” He pauses for a moment, chuckling at some inside joke. “ I have decided that you will continue to be treated like a genin until you prove otherwise.” I stare at the blonde man sitting at his desk, still trying to suppress the fits of laughter that I know are trying to break free.

I try to hide my irritation. My gaze flickers to Katsuo’s smug face. He mouths the words “payback” to me then grins. My eyes narrow slightly.

Maybe it is time to dispose of this annoyance, I think, still staring at Katsuo. He shrinks back, real fear evident in his eyes. I turn my face to glance at everyone else in the room. Everyone has the same expression of fear on their face. I blink and silently curse myself for letting my anger take control of my chakra.

Whenever I get angry or hungry for bloodshed my chakra changes. A Normal Ninja’s chakra shows as blue, my chakra is unique because it shows as white with silver veins running through it. The white changes to pitch black whenever my mood darkens or my lust for blood takes over.

I lift my thoughts from the depths of my mind and smile, reassuring the ninja in the room that I mean no harm.

Not now anyway. I suppress a dark grin.

 “I said I’m sorry!” Katsuo whines. I continue to ignore him.

“Come on! Who doesn’t like being a ninja?” He flashes me a smile, trying to convince me that I want to be a Konaha ninja.

 Maybe somebody who doesn’t want to be recognized?

“Wow! Come on Uta-chan! You have to forgive me!” My mood darkens instantly, my eyes flash angrily.

I reach over and grab his collar. I push him against the side of the building.

“Don’t EVER call me Uta-chan again!” I hiss in his ear, my voice thick with the unspoken threat.  He nods carefully.

“Good! I am glad we got that all sorted out!” My mood switches without a second thought. Katsuo stands there with his mouth agape, his whole body reacting to his surprise at my ability to go from life threatening to cheerful in a spit second.

He blinks and recovers from his shock.

“um...Your new sensei is waiting…we should probably get going…” He stutters, his cheeks sporting a light shade of pink. I roll my eyes and follow.

“Well what do we have here? Don’t tell me this is my new addition to my team!”  The young woman who spoke glares at me with disbelief. I glare in return at her. The woman has waist long brown hair and doe like eyes. Right now those eyes are mocking me.

“She is only a few years younger than me, and I am supposed to treat her like a genin?” she asks incredulously.  I smirk.

“For your information bitch, I am only 17, a lot younger then you.” Her face contorts with rage at my foul mouth and the accusation that she is old.

“I refuse to teach her!” She screeches and points at me.

“Wow! Now wait a moment, Shinobu! These are direct orders from the hokage. You must obey them!” Katsuo holds his hands up and tries to calm Shinobu down.

Shinobu takes a deep breath.

“All right, fine. Girl, what is your name?” She says softly.

“Utau Hi…Hayashi.” I curse myself for forgetting I am known by a different name here.

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