Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

Third POV

The whole village is lively in preparation of the joyous event that will soon arrive.

The town is decorated in a swash of vibrant colors. Children are laughing, glad to be out of school.

Vendors call out their sale prices in high spirits.

The buzz of exited chatter rings throughout the whole village.

They can’t wait for the arrival of their princess.

In honor of the princess Yamiyasha declared a festival on the night of her expected birth. The whole town is spilling with joy and excitement.

A lone caped figure steals through the streets. Her intent firm in her mind.

No one notices her. No one realizes who she is. No one misses her.

“Watching the stars?” Yamiyasha asks as he envelops his wife in a hug from behind.

“I suppose.”

“You excited about the festival?”

“Does it have to last all week?”

“What? You don’t want it too?” Yamiyasha turns to look at his wife.

“No of course not! I was just…blame it on the pregnancy.” Reiko smiles sweetly and gives her husband a kiss before escaping from his grasp.

She walks a few steps before crumpling over.

“Reiko!” Yamiyasha cries.

“It’s time.” She says with a small smile.

“I need them in here now!” Dr. Tanaka yells over Reiko’s screams.

“Sir, the Black ops are on their way!” A jonin standing in the corner speaks up.

“On their way isn’t good enough! Where is the Queen?” Dr. Tanaka asks as he rushes back to Reiko’s side.

“Nobody knows sir.”

“And where did Yamiyasha run off too?”

Dr. Tanaka runs a gloved hand through his hair, his face wrinkled with worry.

“Sir, the Black Ops are here.” The jonin taps the doctor’s shoulder.

“Yes, thank you.” He says, distracted.

Reiko releases another cry.

“I found her!” Yamiyasha yells as he runs through the door, the caped Queen following behind.

She lifts her hood and goes to stand by her daughter.

“The seal, is it holding solid?” She asks.

“Not as solid as it should be. I am worried. That’s why I had the Black ops come here. Just in case.”

Yamiyasha pales.

“What happens if the seal breaks?”

“Don’t ask.” The Queen says firmly, knowing evident in her eyes.

After what seems like hours Dr. Tanaka finally introduces Yamiyasha to his baby girl.

He smiles down at her small face, a single tear sliding down his cheek.

“Utau?” Reiko whispers, her voice hoarse from all the screaming.

“What?” Yamiyashi asks, not taking his eyes off his daughter.

“Very well.” She attempts to sit up. “Let’s name her Utau.”

“Utau… I like it. And I think she does too.” His smile grows.

“Ugh.” Reiko moans loudly, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.

“Dr. Tanaka! The seal!” The Queen yells, panic rising in her eyes.

Reiko screams, a white streak appearing in her hair.

“Reiko!” The chief yells, looking torn between holding his new born and running to his wife.

“I will take her to the safe house.” A Black Ops offers, holding his waiting arms out.

“Make sure she is safe.” Yamiyasha confirms before handing Utau off and running to his screaming wife.

“Dr. Tanaka!” The Queen yells.

“I am ready.” 

The Doctor tosses his coat on the floor and closes his eyes, determined to stop the transformation happening before his eyes.

Reiko lies on her bed, her back arching as she cries out. Her skin slowly turns purple, her hair becoming black as a crow, the streak in her hair remaining as white as snow.

Dr.Tanaka’s hands fly, forming signs too fast for the normal eye to see.

Suddenly Reiko falls limp and silent.

“Reiko?” Yamiyasha asks, his voice shaking slightly.

Just then her eyes pop open. Golden eyes glare at Yamiyasha. Claws suddenly grip his throat.

Yamiyasha makes a gurgling sound before falling to the floor unconscious, his neck covered in blood.

“Dr. Tanaka!”

“Almost done.” He says through clenched teeth, his hands still rapidly forming signs.

“You should get to safety your highness.” A Black Ops instructs the Queen.

“No. I am the only one who knows what she is like. I will not leave!”

“Your majesty!”

“She is right. If I fail she is the only one who can help.” Tanaka says through clenched teeth.

“Argh!” Reiko shrieks.

She gradually sits up, her golden eyes darting around wildly.

Her eyes lock onto the Queen.

Her lips slowly lift into a sneer.

Reiko stands and walks over to the Queen, their eyes locked in a glare.

Reiko lifts her finger and places it on the Queens forehead.

“I got you now bitch.” Her lips quirk into a calculating smile. “You were always so weak. You too Dr. Tanaka.” Her hand moves like lightning, forming signs before Tanaka can say a word.

Without even looking in his direction she causes him to fall to the ground, unconscious.

“Dr. Tanaka…” The Queen whispers, cold fear shining in her eyes.

Reiko leans in and whispers in her ear.

“I will save you for last.”

Then she smiles and raises her hand.

Her palm strikes quickly, the force of the blow sending the Queen tumbling to the floor, her head making a sickening sound as it strikes the cold stone floor.

Reiko lets out a burst of laughter, kindness completely lacking from her voice.

She grins, her white teeth shining brightly.

She steps over the unconscious bodies in the room and makes her way to the door.

With one hand on the door she turns around and winks.

“I’ll be back.”

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