Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

 I blink in the sudden light. Sounds travel by my ears but stay distant.

Voices echo through my mind.

The ground tips closer than nothing.

Nothing but blackness. I try to speak but nothing comes out. I cry silently for help but no one comes to my rescue.  Suddenly red splatters across the inky blackness. Blood. My blood.  My consciousness wavers then is gone.

I wake, screaming. Footsteps outside the hall come running.

I blink and realize I am still chained to the chair in the dark.

Sudden light causes me to turn my head. Ninja pour through the door.

“What’s wrong?” I shake my head, shivering from the nightmare.

He eyes me suspiciously then nods. He gestures for the other ninja to leave. He locks the door behind him, leaving me once again in darkness.

‘I never have nightmares.’ I muse to myself.

I shake it off and drift back to sleep.

I awake to the sound of my cell door opening. In the dim light I can barely make out the expression on Shinobu’s face.

“Shinobu-Sensei?” I ask.

She looks up at the sound of my voice.

“Sensei? You called me sensei?” I nod, confused.

“Please child, don’t make this any harder than it already is.”

“what?” She sighs.

“I only have a few minutes. I came to say thank you for clearing Yuuto’s name. I don’t know how I would have gone on without him.” She says tearfully.

I smile softly.

“Don’t. I was only taking back what was rightfully mine. I was after all the true culprit.” She nods.

“I have to go.” She starts to turn. “You were the best student I have ever trained, even if it was only for a few months.” She leaves the room quietly, leaving me to mull over her words.

I struggle against my bindings. For someone who is as powerful as I it is hard to be still for an extended amount of time. Being tied to a chair in a dark smelly room doesn’t help much either.

I sigh and let my body go limp.

A few hours later my peace and quiet is once again disturbed, this time by the hokage himself.

“The summit is in a month. Because you helped one of our shinobi I have agreed to let you roam free from this room. You will be guarded at all times so don’t think of escaping, believe it.”

“If I was planning on escaping I would have already done so.” Naruto’s face flushes.

“Good. Your guard will be here soon.” He turns on his heels and stalks out of the room, muttering to himself about getting better jail cells.

‘A month. I have an entire month before I die. I might as well make the best of it.’

***Authors Note***

I don't have anything to say except continue to be your awesome selves!

oh and vote and comment !!!

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