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After briefly stopping by my house so I could shower and look more presentable, Harry and I took off for the recording studio in the city. Originally I thought that I had to work today but Cheryl put me on for tomorrow instead, which I'm eternally grateful for. It's like she subconsciously knew I'd need the day off.

I start to feel a little nervous and out of place when Harry pulls into a parking spot and the two of us exit the car. My heart rate picks up and my palms begin to sweat. I don't know why, I mean it's not like this is the first time I've been to the studio with Harry. I just don't think I'll ever get used to this.

"Are you okay, love?" Harry asks me, coming around to my side. I hadn't realized that I froze in my tracks, not following him into the studio.

I fake a smile and nod, trying to push my worries to the side. I don't even know why I'm worried to begin with.

"Yeah, I just zoned out," I tell him.

Harry doesn't look all too convinced, but he doesn't press me further. He just smiles softly at me and then manages to sneakily slip his hand into mine, which I happily accept. 

His touch instantly calms my nerves as we proceed into the studio. I'm not sure why I find so much comfort in it, but I fins myself relishing in it and wondering what makes Harry so much different than anyone else I've been with. 

"So I believe we're going to pick a couple songs that are a definite yes for the album today," Harry tells me once we reach the front of the studio.

He opens the glass door for me, and I let go of his hand so I can walk through. Initially I thought this was going to be the same studio we went to last time but it turns out to be completely different. The last one we were at was smaller and more modern, whereas this one is larger and has an older feel to it. It looks as if several musicians or bands in the 60's and 70's recorded here at one point.

I follow Harry as he walks through several hallways, running my hand over the walls as we pass. Names and quotes have been engraved and written all over the walls. I smile when I catch a glimpse of Mick Jagger and Paul McCartney's name. This studio clearly is well known in the music world. I wish I was more knowledgeable in that field so I could appreciate being here more. 

At the end of the hallway Harry and I are in right now, he opens up door for me while bowing slightly. I giggle as I walk through and give him a quiet thank you. 

It's another recording studio, similar to the one we were in the last time. A velvet couch sits against the wall to my left, while the actual recording room is to the right, separated from the left hand side by a large, glass window and an array of buttons on the audio work station.

"There's my favorite person!" I hear a familiar voice say. I look over and see Mitch coming towards me, dressed casually in a sweatshirt and jeans with his exceptionally long hair nearing Harry's length. He outstretches his arms and catches me in a quick embrace. "Oh hey, Harry, didn't see you there," he jokes when we let go of each other.

"Nice to see you too," Harry responds, lightheartedly.

Mitch laughs and his eyes find mine once again.

"Harry mentioned you might be coming. I was hoping you would," he tells me with a knowing look. I wonder what Harry had said to him.

"Yeah?" I ask, surprised he wanted to see me.

Mitch nods and dips his head lower to mine when Harry walks away, to a group of men and women on the other side of the room. 

"Harry's been talking nonstop about having you in. I think he's a bit obsessed with showing you what he's doing," he whispers. 

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