The Fall Of Lucius Malfoy

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Rose woke up with a start as he heard the door downstairs shut forcefully. She grabbed her wand immediately. "Scorpius!" She exclaimed into the darkness. There was no response. She got out of bed and ran to Scorpius's room to find he wasn't there. An unusual bright light coming from the sky caught her eye. Slowly, Rose walked towards the window and looked up at the sky to see a colossal skull, composed of what looked like emerald stars, with a serpent protruding from its mouth like a tongue. As she stared, it rose higher and higher, blazing in a greenish smoke against the black sky like a new constellation. Her heart almost stopped as she realized what it was. The dark mark.

It was Lucius. Scorpius had gone after him. She scrambled to put jeans and shoes on before running to the Gryffindor Tower to get to Albus. Rose climbed through the portrait and ran up the stairs to his cousin's room. She swung the door open.

"Albus!" Rose cried as she shook her cousin awake. Albus woke up immediately.

"Rose!" He said urgently. "What happened? Is everything okay?"

Rose shook her head. She opened the curtains to reveal the Dark Mark. Albus's eyes widened. By now, Toby and the Grahm twins had woken up as well. "Scorpius is out there!" All the boys got out of bed at once. Suddenly, Aurora, Roxanne, Margo, and Lily stormed into the room.

"We saw the Dark Mark!" Aurora breathed.

"We need to get there now," Albus said urgently. "Scorpius is there." With that, the group sprinted down the stairs and out of the common room. They ran as fast as they through the empty corridors until they heard a familiar voice.

"Guys!" Marlene exclaimed. "What the hell!?" The group stopped and turned around. Marlene was standing next to Drake Cresswell, the captain of the Hufflepuff quidditch team. The group stared at the two and couldn't help but wonder what they were doing at out in the corridors at three AM.

"Lucius is in the forest and Scorpius went out there alone!" Toby replied.

"What!?" Marlene screeched. "What the fuck is wrong with him!? Does he want to die!? Is he bloody insane!" She threw her hands up in the air. Just then, Uriah Zabini came running into view.

"Dark Mark!" His cries echoed down the corridor. "The Dark Mark!" He paused to recatch his breath. "Scorpius is out there isn't he?" Everyone nodded. "Bloody hell." He whispered.

"We need a plan," Toby said. 

"Please, not another project Elrond." Marlene snapped.

"Toby's right," Albus began, "We can't just go out there, what if he has an army with him? What if we're outnumbered?"

"One of us should go get McGonagall," Aurora said. "We need help from the Order."

"Yes, good idea Aurora." Rose said, "Any volunteers?"

"I'll go." Lily raised her hand, "I'm faster than all of you," She laughed as she started walking backwards towards McGonagall's office. "Stay safe guys, good luck!" With that, she turned around and started sprinting.

"You all have your wands?" Albus asked. Everyone nodded. "Alright, guys let's go!" Albus lead the group as they all charged towards the forest.


"I thought you'd never show up," Lucius spoke in a sinister tone as Scorpius approached the clearing. Hearing Lucius's voice made his knees go weak, his heart was beating out of his chest and his palms began to sweat. He gripped his wand tighter and breathed deeply.

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