The Dead Girl On The Train

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"Ugh, why do I keep doing this to myself?" Marlene groaned as she prompted her head down on the table.

"Here," Zabini passed her a mug of coffee which she gladly accepted.

"You'd make such a nice Mom, Uri." She said as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Pass me one, please," Aurora, who was wearing sunglasses, pleaded.

"And another one for me." Albus piped up.

"Would you also like some biscuits or a cake-oh or even better, how about you get them yourselves," Zabini said as he sat back down on his seat.

"I'll go," Scorpius spoke. He wasn't as hungover as his friends. He left the table and returned with three mugs of coffee.

It was the morning after the party, and in a few hours, the students would be boarding the train to return to their homes for Christmas. The group of friends were in the Great Hall having breakfast. They were all very groggy except Uriah Zabini and Scorpius, out of all their friends, they were the ones that never really got hangovers, even if they had drunk a lot. Rose was still locked in her dormitory after the fight from last night. It still made Scorpius feel a pit in his stomach when he remembered her words. Never speak to me again.

"Last night was fun," Zabini stated.

"For you," Aurora snorted, "I don't remember half of it. I swear when I find out who roofied me I'll kill their family."

"I'll help," Albus said. 

"I just don't understand why you made us leave all of a sudden," Marlene said, directed at Scorpius.

"Yeah, why?" Zabini asked.

Scorpius just stared at them, hoping they would take the guess he didn't want to talk about it.

"He probably got into an argument with Rose," Albus reported. Scorpius tensed. "Seeing she isn't here." Albus motioned to the group of friends. Scorpius kept silent.

"Trouble in paradise," Marlene sang. The group of friends laughed. Scorpius still wore a poker face. He gulped down his coffee and left the table without a word.

Scorpius walked back to his dormitory, he needed to finish packing for the holidays. The first two weeks of Christmas holiday he would be spending at home with his family, and the third and final week he would be spending at the Burrow. The Weasleys had invited him and Aurora to spend the new years there. He couldn't wait, but at the same time, he was anxious because that meant he would be spending a whole week with Rose.

"Scorpius wait up!" He heard a familiar voice running towards him. He stopped and waited for them to catch up with him.

"Hi, Eleanor."

Over the course of time, Scorpius had grown closer to Eleanor and Caleb. At first, it was part of the act but as he started to learn more and more about them, Scorpius couldn't help but become very fond of them. Eleanor could say the same thing.

She beamed up at him.

"Someone looks happy," he stated. "Excited for the holidays?"

"Very," She nodded eagerly. "I'm so excited to be back home, surf, friends... I can't wait!" She squealed, Scorpius couldn't help but laugh.

"Surf?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's a muggle sport-"

"I know what it is, dumbass." He laughed, "I just didn't know you did it."

"But I do." She said proudly. "Pease Bay. The best surf spot in Great Britain."

"I'll have to watch you someday," Eleanor nodded, "I need to tell you something though, it's serious..."

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