Project Elrond

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"What the fuck is 'Project Elrond'?" Marlene asked.

"I think it a secret meeting?" Uriah Zabini guessed. "Because it's titled Elrond."

"Why does 'Elrond' mean 'secret meeting'?" She asked but was ignored.

"Are we going to make a momentous decision?" Toby asked as he walked into hogshead followed by Margo, Roxanne and Dominique.

"Most likely." Lily shrugged.

"How do you know that?" Marlene asked, getting annoyed.

"Elrond," Zabini said. "The Council of Elrond. From Lord of the Rings. It's the meeting where they decide to destroy the One Ring."

"Lord of the Rings..." She repeated.

"If we're going to call something Project Elrond, I would like my code name to be Glorfindel." Toby said.

"And I Boromir." Zabini said.

"Call me Legolas." Dominique and Louis said in unison as they sat down each by the side of Marlene.

"I hate every one of you." Marlene pointed towards the group of people sitting around her.

Right now, Marlene, Zabini, Toby, Margo, Roxanne, Dominique, Louis, Scorpius's cousin Mathew, the twins Dylan and Thomas, and Lily was all sitting around a large table at hogshead waiting for the arrival of Scorpius, Rose, Albus, Aurora plus Caleb and Eleanor.

They had been up all night developing the plan to get a spy in the ministry, when everything was thought through they send out notes titled 'Project Elrond' to all the people that were now waiting for them at the table, to them to meet them at Hogsmeade in the morning of the next day.


Scorpius, lead the group as they walked into the pub. He loosened the scarf wrapped around his neck and took off his winter coat, he turned around to help Rose take her off which earned him a beam from his favorite person.

"There they are!" Lily exclaimed pointing toward the group that now approached the table.

"Hey, thank you all for coming." Scorpius said as he sat down across his friends.

"We know it's really really early," Rose started, " And we're sorry but we have to make sure know one sees us."

"You woke me at five for this," Thomas said. "yeah, we can tell."

"And also Elrond." Toby said.

"Still don't get it." Marlene scoffed.

"I had to make something up," Scorpius said.

"So you came up with 'Elrond'?" Marlene pressed.  

"You'll find out soon why." Scorpius said. "That's why we're here."

"To discuss the Lord of the Rings?" Marlene asked.

"No you wanker." Scorpius said, Marlene glared at him. "The project that we named of Elrond."

"What is it about?" Margo said, "Because it better be important cause you made me wake up at five-"

"Then I'm telling you it's life or death." Scorpius said. They all stared at each other and at him weirdly.

"He's not kidding." Albus said. "It's really serious."

"You're freaking me out." Dominique said, "Just spill it already."

Scorpius took a deep breath and looked at Rose for encouragement, she nodded at him, he could tell she was nervous too. "Before I tell you what this project is about, I must warn you that what you'll be getting yourselves into is dangerous and bigger than any of us... But we think you guys are ready for what's about to come."

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