'Because I Love You'

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Aurora didn't wake up for the next couple of days and Albus sat by her through it all, he even spent the nights there, madam Pomfrey gave up making him leave after the first night, he only left her bedside to go to the bathroom or to eat, but time he left he made one of his friends stay with he, Albus even refused to go to lessons, McGonagall was furious but Albus was set on not going anywhere.

While Aurora was out, over half the school had left her get well soon cards and they bought her chocolates and sweets and after lessons were over, their group of friends would sit by her in the hospital wing and do their homework assignments. Neville would also spend his free time next to his daughter, and McGonagall even let Luna stay at the school.

Draco and Astoria came every single day to check on her and they were getting impatient, by the third day that Aurora didn't show any signs of waking up, Scorpius's parents had a serious talk with Neville and Luna about their options. But when all hope was lost, the sky cleared and, at the crack of dawn, Aurora opened her eyes.


"I feel great, I don't know why you are still keeping me here." Aurora sighed.

"One more night." Madam Pomfrey said as she handed Aurora a tray with a cup pumpkin juice and toast. Aurora groaned. It had been a week since she woke up, neither Madam Pomfrey or Scorpius's parents had given her authorisation to leave the hospital wing and she was getting tiered of looking up at the ceiling all day.

"Please!" Aurora begged. Madam Pomfrey pondered of a second.

"I'll speak to Dr Malfoy." Aurora's face lit up. "In one condition... you can only go to morning classes, you have to take it slow, your body is still very fragile."

"Thank you so much!" Aurora jumped off the bed and hugged her.

"What did I say about taking it easy?" She said in a warning tone.

"Sorry-sorry." Aurora put her hands up in the air in surrender and got back into bed. Suddenly, Scorpius walked through the door.

"Scorpius!" Aurora cheered.

"Someone's happy." Scorpius laughed as he hugged his friend.

"I'm getting discharged today." Scorpius turned to Madam Pomfrey in surprise, she shook her head in disapproval.

"I'll have to talk your father first."

"That's great news." Scorpius said smiling.

"Don't you have lessons to go to?"

"Free period." Scorpius sang. "Without Quidditch I have much more free time, I don't even know what to do with it."

"Yeah I can tell." Aurora said. "You're the one who comes here the most."

"But I'm not the one who saved your life." Scorpius said cheekily.

Aurora stares with an annoyed expression at him a friend before she spoke again. "Anyways how are things with you and Rose?"

"Don't change the subject, it's rude." Scorpius said slyly.

"I'm still mad at him," Aurora said. "Is it that bad I don't want to speak to him?"

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