The Match

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It was mid-November. Gryffindor was competing against Ravenclaw for the first game of the season. Scorpius and the Gryffindor team were in the changing rooms going over some tactics.

"-If we stick to what we practice we will win. Remember to strike when the enemy is weak!" Scorpius yelled over the noise and cheers.

"Together on three!" The team placed their hands on top of Scorpius's "One. Two, Three! GO! GO! GRYFFINDOR!" With that, the team climbed their brooms and zoomed to the Quidditch pitch. The cheers were even louder.

The Ravenclaw team entered the pitch seconds after, they all flew about for a bit to keep the crowd excited.

"Alright, everyone, I want a nice clean game from all of you!" Madam Hooch exclaimed as the players gathered around in their usual position. "The game begins when I blow the whistle," With that, she let out the golden snitch, the buldgers were set free and finally, she threw the quaffle in the air and Scorpius heard the familiar blow of the whistle and he was off.

"And they are off!" Albus announced. "Wow, and they are fierce today! Lily Potter has the quaffle and she is making her way to the Ravenclaw hoops- she passed it to number twenty-three, Margo Bell! Uh-oh, one Ravenclaw beater just went down! Nice job Toby! Um, who said that? Wasn't me!" Albus laughed. "Margo passes the quaffle to Caleb the greenie chaser who- oh smoothly passes to Lily WHO SCORES! TEN POINTS FOR GRYFFINDOR!"


At the bleachers, Rose and Aurora were watching their house play, they were at the edge of their seats. Marlene, a Slytherin, ran up to two wearing a red and yellow banner, yelling:

"Give me a G! An R! Y! F! F! I!-"

"Marlene, what are you doing?" Rose asked confused. Around them, everyone was staring at her and had gone quiet.

"What does it look like? I'm supporting my friends!" She shrugged, "Slytherin is not playing, Gryffindor has always been my favourite, why not cheer for them!?" Rose laughed again as Marlene returned to her cheering.

Not everyone knew Marlene, but everyone knew Marlene was crazy. She was wild and free, one of the reasons all boys liked her and also a reason why Rose envied her.

Rose was always so stiff, you could say. She wanted to be more like Marlene, Dominique, Roxanne, Lily and even Aurora. They all knew how to have fun and let loose, not worrying about what people were thinking of them, Rose had never been able to do that. It was something Rose hated about herself, she was too formal, austere and just too bland.


Gryffindor was winning 210-40, the game had been going in for one hour and Scorpius still hadn't spotted the bloody snitch. At this rate, he would take days. Just as he started to get impatient, he saw a spot of gold hovering by the Gryffindor hoops.

Scorpius zoomed towards it. He could hear Albus announcing that he had spotted the snitch and felt the Ravenclaw seeker right behind him. He sped up.

The snitch was moving now, in the direction of the bleachers, Scorpius followed it blindly and was almost hit by a buldger. It move upward and upward. Scorpius was so close, he extended his hand and grasped for it.

"MALFOY CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Albus's voiced boomed through the speakers.

Cheers filled Scorpius's ear as he made his way down to the ground to meet his team. They shared a group hug.

"One down, three to go!" Margo exclaimed.

"Yep," Scorpius nodded. Just then he felt arms wrap around him, he turned around to see Rose. He hugged her tightly, she fit perfectly in his arms.

"Congratulations!" She squealed.

"Thank you, Rosie!" Scorpius laughed. The rest of his friends went to congratulate him, and gradually everyone went back to the castle.


The four friends were outside. Scorpius, Albus and Zabini were playing the muggle game, basketball, whilst Aurora, Rose and Marlene sat on the grass. Rose had her face stuck in a book and Aurora was taking a nap.

"Urg," Marlene groaned. "You guys are so boring. I mean, look at her." She pointed at Aurora, "She's literally sleeping! Where are Roxanne and Dominique when you need them?"

"Detention," Rose answered.

"What was it this time?"

"I think they made two first years carry around their things or something,"

"Typical." Marlene shook her head. "I'm going to play with the boys," Marlene got up and made her way to were the boys were playing. "Have fun with your book," She added sarcastically.

"Let's see if you can beat me," Scorpius said as he passed Marlene the ball. He cracked his knuckles.

"Any day, any time, Malfoy," Marlene smirked. She dribbled the ball away as Scorpius tried to block her. Zabini stepped back and watched the two, he laughed out loud as Scorpius and Marlene wrestled each other. Albus went to sit by Rose.

"Shouldn't you be jealous?" Albus nudged her cousin.

Rose looked up from her book confused. "What?" She inquired.

"Marlene is stealing your man," Albus nodded towards Scorpius and Marlene who were still playing. The blond boy had picked Marlene up and flung her over his shoulder.

"You're crazy," Rose frowned.

"And you're blind!" Albus exclaimed. "You are the only one that can't see that he's head over heels for you."

"Be quiet! He could hear you!" Rose tried to cover his mouth. "And of course he's not!"

"I'm telling you he is," Albus leaned back and smirked. "And I can tell you are too."

Rose looked at her cousin. "Well... I'm not making the first move, so tell him to hurry up." She buried her face in her book once again, a smile playing on her lips.

Her cousin grinned as she said the words.

"Don't worry Rosie, he will."

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