The Final Match

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Perfect conditions sometimes don't necessarily result in a perfect match because the result of a match lies solemnly on the players. Even in a perfect match someone loses, it's an undeniable fact. Someone's hard work is crushed, always, but on the other hand, someone's hard work pays off. It's all about perspective.

Today was the day. The final match. The last Gryffindor versus Slytherin Scorpius would ever be a part of. The match that would decide who's house would most certainly win the house cup, so obviously, a lot was at stake, it was his team playing, it was his last year, but most importantly, it was his house. Gryffindor. The had always been the closest thing he had to a family. It was the house that accepted him, it greeted him with open arms and made him feel wanted, loved and appreciated, the one that made him feel at home despite his family history, despite all the prejudice, despite it all, they took him in.

Being raised by Gryffindor's ideals had taught him, above all, that the only things that mattered in life, were the things you did for others, so today, being loyal to his house and family, he wouldn't be playing for himself, but for everyone else that alongside him grew up to become good, kind and brave, for everyone that was a true Gryffindor, like him.

The blond boy lied in the center or the Quidditch pitch looking up at the cloudless sky, feeling the soft breeze brush past his skin ever so slightly. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply enjoying the cold, brisk February air. He could stay like this forever. It was like the whole world had stopped, suddenly he didn't have the most important match of his life in a few hours, and his girlfriend hadn't stopped speaking to him, his best friend and his other best friend hadn't had a falling out, there was no war, no Lucius, no Order, nothing. Just him and the now. At that moment everything was perfect.

"Thought I'd find you here." Scorpius looked to his left to find a small girl wearing a Gryffindor jumper and scarf lying on the ground next to him. "You always come here before anything monumental, I've seen you before."

He looked at his cousin for a few seconds and then turned his head back up at the sky. "Anything I can help you with Eleanor?"

"No." She answered quickly. "I just came to give you some company. It's kinda depressing seeing you here all alone, people are looking at you weird, some have said you fried." Scorpius laughed. "Seriously, I already have Caleb as a brother, what would be left of my reputation?" They both laughed some more, but gradually it died down.

"You nervous?" Eleanor turned to face Scorpius.

"I could throw up." He admitted casually. "This match is a big deal."

"I know." She nodded. "But you'll catch that snitch. I know you will. You'll win, you always do. Your Scorpius freaking Malfoy, best seeker since... since, I don't know- a really really good seeker. I believe in you, we all do."

"Thank you." He said, Eleanor looked at him skeptically, she wasn't entirely convinced.

"Okay," Eleanor sat up and faced her cousin, "We don't know each other very well." She started. "We weren't even real cousins a month ago, but I know one thing, you do everything for this house. Right now you are nervous because you are scared to let everyone down but you don't need to worry because even if you don't win, we'll have your back. Your job now is to be a Gryffindor. Be brave, that's what your good at. Be what your good at."

Scorpius slowly sat up as he listened to his cousin, and when she finished, there was a short moment of silence before he spoke.

"When did you turn forty?" Eleanor laughed.

"Get up." She said. "Your game is in an hour. You need breakfast."

"Okay, mother." They both got up and made their way towards the Great Hall. Walking through the double doors, Scorpius was immediately taken away by the members of his team. He flashed Eleanor an apologetic look before he was forced to sit down.

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