The New Malfoy Cousins

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"So, let me get this straight" Lily Potter started, "You and Caleb are cousins..."

"That's what I said..." Scorpius nodded.

"Bloody hell..." Albus scratched his forehead.

The group of friend sat at the Gryffindor table, Scorpius had just told everyone the news. It had been two weeks since the meeting, and the plan was now in action. When he was informed about the Order and the plans, Caleb had and explosive reaction, thankfully, he was convinced.

"No," Caleb said shaking his head, "No way in hell, you are all insane."

"Caleb, you have to liste-" Eleanor started but was interrupted by Caleb.

"No- you listen to me! This plan is way too dangerous! It won't work, the ministry will find out what you are planning and we'll all be sent to Azkaban!"

"Mr Seymour," McGonagall began, "Calm down, the plan was voted, and it will go forward. We will ensure your safety in the school. Nothing will put you or your sister in danger."

"And how will you explain a new member of the Malfoy family magically being found?" Caleb fretted.

"It's all been taken care of..." Lupin assured but Caleb didn't look convinced.

"Look, Caleb," Scorpius said, "He has killed hundreds of people and you have an opportunity to spear everyone from another war and you are denying it, think about it..."

Caleb paused for a few moments before speaking again.

"Fine... I'll do it."

"How did your family take it?" Rose asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

"They took it well," Scorpius responded. "They were really happy actually, so was Mathew."

"Aren't they muggle-born?" Roxanne blurted out.

"They are," Scorpius said, his one a little angrier then he intended it to be, "But my parents aren't prejudiced... Ar least not anymore, despite what everyone thinks."

"I think Roxanne was just a bit surprised, just like all of us." Marlene piped up. "I too don't understand how it us possible. The Malfoys are a pure blood family after all..."

"How did you find out about all of this again?" Aurora asked.

"Caleb's sister had a history project, they had to do a family tree," Scorpius began, "She found out that her great, great Grandma- I think-was a Malfoy, but she was a squib, so my lovely family sent her to an orphanage... This had been hidden for years." This story had been a brilliant idea from Professor Cuthbert Binns.

Scorpius looked at all his friends' faces, they all seemed to be believing what Scorpius was saying, except one person. Rose. Her eyes were narrowed, her lips pursed. Rose cannot find out the truth.

"Oh, look who it is!" Toby exclaimed. Scorpius looked back to see Eleanor standing behind him with an annoyed look on her face. "Its Baby Malfoy!" The table burst out laughing.

"How does it feel to be a Malfoy, kiddo?" Lily said between laughs.

"Splendid," Eleanor replied with a fake smile splattered on her face.

"Are you feared by everyone yet?" Albus mocked. "Have the dark forces come for you?"

Eleanor rolled her eyes, "Scorpius, do you have a second?" She said quickly. Being surrounded by seniors was making her very uncomfortable.

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