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"I knew I had to write this speech the day I was assigned Head Boy, but still I didn't do it." Everyone let out a chuckle.

 Scorpius paused and looked at the crowd of people watching him: his parents, his teachers, and his friends were all there.

"Well," He continued, "In my defense, it was a busy year with head duties, tests, exams, winning house cups, defeating dark wizards... You know,  the common stuff of everyday life." The crowd laughed some more, Scorpius paused as he thought of what to say. 

"Today our time at Hogwarts comes to an end. We take with us a lot of memories, both sad and happy ones. We will take with us the lessons learned and we will forever cherish the friendships we made and remember the ones we lost along the way... our dear friend Toby. He who should be standing here with us, who deserved to be standing here with us more than anyone.

"Today is the day we say goodbye but today's also the day we say hello to a new chapter of our life. A new beginning. Today is the day our life begins. Today we become citizens of the world. Today we become grown-ups. Today we become accountable to someone other than ourselves. Accountable for more than our grades. Today, we become accountable to the world. To the future. To all the possibilities that life has to offer. Starting today, our job is to show up wide-eyed and willing and ready. For what? I don't know. For anything. For everything. To take on life. To take on love. To take on the responsibility and possibility. Today, my friends, our lives begin. And, I for one can't wait."

(Gryffindor won the house cup!)

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