Scorpius's (soon to be) Horrendous Birthday

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Scorpius woke up with noise coming from downstairs. He smiled. It was January twenty seventh, his eighteenth birthday. He quickly got up from the bed, put on a sweatshirt and headed downstairs.

"Albus, stop!" He heard Rose whisper yell. "It's his cake!"

"Can you two stop bickering!?" Zabini said.

"He keeps touching the cake!" Rose snapped. "Like seriously, do you ever stop eating!?" She asked Albus, who was licking his cake covered fingers.

"What? I'm hungry." He argued.

"When are you not hungry?" Scorpius said just as he came into view to see Rose, holding a cupcake, Albus, with cake on his face along with Aurora, Zabini and Marlene, standing in the living room.

"Scorpius!" Rose exclaimed in surprise. "Merlin, I though you were asleep-Happy birthday!"

"Happy birthday!" His friends chanted as they caught along.

Scorpius smiled. "Thank you guys." He said as he individually hugged each of his friends.

"You're eighteen! I'm so proud." Marlene wiped fake tears off her eyes.

"Shocker you haven't found a way to kill yourself." Aurora said as Scorpius hugged her.

"Shocker is that none of you have killed me yet." Scorpius laughed.

"Sometimes I wish I had." Zabini said but received and elbow in the ribs.

"You win us Quidditch so..." Albus said as he hugged his friend. Scorpius laughed once more.

"Yeah, that's the only reason we keep you around." And finally Rose, who held a lemon cupcake in her small porcelain hands. His favourite cupcake being held by his girl. Perfect.

Scorpius smirked. "Is that so?" He asked as he leaned down towards her.

Rose nodded. "Mhm." And just as their lips were about to touch, Rose smacked the cupcake on his face. Everyone burst out laughing.

"So much for that." Albus sighed.

"Opps" Rose said innocently.

"You're going to pay for that Weasley!" The blond boy said as he wiped white frosting from his face. Rose giggled as ran out of the common room with Scorpius right behind her.

"I think I'm going to vomit." Marlene fake gagged.

One week earlier

Rose knocked on the door of Professor McGonagall's office, she had a preposition for her, which she would most likely refuse to comply to, but it was worth the try.

"Come in." She heard the headmistress call. Rose opened the dot and walked inside. "Mrs Weasley, what can I help you with?"

"I have a small request." Rose said as she sat down in front of her. McGonagall gestured for her to speak. "As you know, Scorpius's birthday is in a week, and I was planning to have a party for him." Rose paused and looked down at the table, she didn't dare to look at McGonagall in the eye. "But we can't do it in our dormitory or common room so... canwedothepartyinthegreathall?"

"Mrs Weasley, I didn't get that last part."

Rose inhaled deeply. "Can we do Scorpius's party in the great hall? We would clean it out and it would be almost like a ball, formal wear and all. Only sixth and seventh year's will be invited."

McGonagall raised an eyebrow. "Was this your idea?" Rose nodded slightly. "I would think otherwise, your cousin is the one that usually plans all these parties-Yes I know about all the anual Christmas parties..." she paused. "Yes, you can have the party. The boy has been through a lot this year."

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