Goodbye For Now

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Rose spotted the blond boy leaning over the railing of an old stone bridge and she walked towards him. 

"Hey," Rose said as she got near him. Scorpius turned towards her.

"Hey," He smiled. She stared at him, an anxious feeling built up her chest. Her expression must have revealed her uneasiness because Scorpius tilted his head and examined her with a saddened expression. 

"You needed to talk?" Rose asked.

"Yes," He said turning his body towards the river. Rose mimicked his actions. "There is no easy way to tell you"

"It's okay, Scorpius..." Rose said with a hint of sadness. "Whatever it is, it's okay." She nodded her head but she didn't mean what she said, in fact, she feared the words that would come out of his mouth would destroy her. 

Scorpius took a deep breath. "We're moving to France-my family and I." Rose's stomach dropped but she didn't react, she just blankly stared at the river flowing in front of her. He turned towards her. "Please say something." 

"When?" She asked simply.

"In a few days," Scorpius said. Rose let out a shaky breath and shook her head in disbelief.

"Rose, please believe it wasn't an easy decision," Scorpius explained. "My family needs to get away from here, at least for now. We need a fresh start."

Rose turned around to face the blond boy ready to start pouring her heart out but no words managed to leave her mouth. She turned to the river again and buried her face in her hands. Scorpius stared at his feet, he didn't know what to say to help the situation, he feared anything he would say would only make it worse. Rose turned back to the river, her eyes watering. 

They remained in silence for a while before Scorpius spoke again:

"I was recruited to study under a team of some of the most talented wizards in Europe." He said. "I'm going to specialize in defense against the dark arts" Rose kept silent. "My parents got a job offer at this clinic and also Uriah and Marlene's families are going too..." Scorpius paused. 

"But basically we're moving because we need a new start. There is nothing left for us here. Hogwarts is over and there is no reason to stay anymore especially when everything and everywhere I go just reminds me of everything that happened this year, the ones I lost."

"What about all your friends?" Rose said, her voice on the verge of breaking. "You'll just leave us all behind? Leave me?"

"It's not that simple. Rose listen. I don't want to do this, I don't want this to end-"

"It doesn't have to, we can work this out, Scorpius."

"It's not just the distance, Rose."

"Then what?"

"It's just that, I love you," Scorpius said bluntly. "And I know you love me too, but you aren't ready to admit it."

"Scorpius, I-"

"-and you aren't ready to commit. I've waited, I gave you all the time after our breakup but it's like we are frozen in time. There won't be any evolving from this, not until you are ready to let yourself love me back. It pains me to say it but it isn't working for me, Rose. I'm sorry."

There was a moment of silence. Scorpius gently played with a string of her hair.

"So it's over?" She asked quietly.

He took hold of her shoulders and turned her to face him. "When you're ready, you know where to find me." He said simply.

They stared into each other's eyes one last time before Scorpius kissed her forehead one last time and walked away. 

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