Eleanor Finds Out I

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It had been a month since Scorpius and his friends started the year at Hogwarts and things were going great. Quidditch practices started next week, they had found a new beater and to everyone's surprise, that was Hugo Weasley. Scorpius was optimistic about the team and was looking forward to see how they all got along. Rose was still convinced Scorpius was up to something but she was all too busy to think about it or bring it up. Overall, the year was off to a good start.

It was a sunny Saturday morning, Scorpius sat at the Slytherin table with Marlene and Uriah. He wanted to spend more time with his other friends since he hadn't seen them in almost a week. Their timetables were awfully matched, the only subject they had together was Defence Against the Dark Arts.

When the mail arrived, Scorpius saw he had received a letter from Sirius. He couldn't wait to open it so he tried to come up with an excuse to leave the Great Hall.

"I need to go..." Scorpius stood up at once. "Sorry, guys."

"So soon?" Uriah questioned. "Where are you going?"

"I stink. I have to take a shower," Scorpius said quickly. Uriah and Marlene just stared at him.

"Do you really have to?" Marlene frowned. "You just had breakfast..."

"Yes, yes, I do. Don't you think I smell bad?" Scorpius asked as he inched closer to her. Marlene took a long sniff of his collar.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, you do." Marlene said, disgust all over her face. "That cologne you have reeks, throw it away or I will."

"Hey!" Scorpius exclaimed with an offended expression, "I love that cologne!"

Marlene shrugged, "You asked my opinion. Don't like it? Piss off."

"Wow such a delicate flower Marlene, how did you get that muggle to fall in love with you?"

"Beats the heck out of me." Marlene shrugged, Uriah laughed. Scorpius said goodbye to his friends and rushed to his dormitory; he couldn't wait to read the letter Sirius had sent him.


Eleanor was more happy that her detentions with Lupin were almost over; in a few more hours she would be free. Cleaning Lupin's office had proven to be a lot more work than she initially thought it would be. He was the most disorganised person she has ever seen. If he didn't mess up his office on purpose to make Eleanor work more, he most likely had a serious organisational problem. She took the most time organising his endless shelves of books, it was tedious, repetitive work and she was sick and tiered of it.

Eleanor arrived at Lupin's office and knocked. There was no answer so she knocked again. It was precisely twelve-fifteen, Lupin should already be here. She turned the handle on the door and to her surprise, it wasn't locked. Lupin wasn't inside but she walked in anyway. There was no way she was going to prolong her punishment any longer than she needed to.

She started off with the shelves, cleaning the dust and organising books into topics, and only then alphabetically. Eleanor glanced at Lupin's desk for a few seconds, it was surprisingly tidy and neat. A piece of parchment rested on the centre of the table, it was a letter from a so-called Sirius. Could it be Sirius Black? The Sirius Black? Eleanor tried to ignore it and went back to organising books but she couldn't fight back her curiosity. She inched closer to the desk, keeping an eye on the door, then started reading:


The order finally accepted my offer, they are a tough crowd let me tell you. Now that Scorpius is officially part of the order he should meet with everyone as soon as possible, it's urgent that he is included in the plans, he is essential for them to succeed. They are on the move again, if we don't act soon we may-

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