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"Attention class!" Lupin yelled above the talking of the students. "Today, each of you will go through the obstacle course that you is going to be the practical component of your exam. There will be a with a few alterations, of course, your exam will be a lot harder than the course you will do today. This is a first try-just to see where you stand, it won't be for evaluation." He paused and looked at the class for a second, enjoying the fear on their faces. "Follow me."

The class followed Lupin down the corridor, making as much noise as humanly possible. They reached the seventh-floor corridor and stopped in front of a door Scorpius only recognized as-

"It's the room of requirements," Rose piped up. 

Lupin looked back at her and brought his finger to his mouth and winked. "Come on class," He gestured, Albus and Scorpius looked at each other and opened the two big, wooden doors in unison. 

What was inside the doors was extremely anti-climactic. It was a small room with two doors, a dozen chairs and a big screen.

"I was expecting more," Albus said in a monotone. "We thought it would be the most extravagant bloody extent, but sike, they give us a with five chairs."

"Yes Albus. You walk in and you think it's just a room with five chairs, but sike, there is a door over here," Lupin said while opening the double doors that lead into a big wide-open space, a training room. The whole class laughed at the comment, there were some wolf whistles.

"Settle down class, no need for strife." Lupin laughed. "This room is where the obstacle course will take place. The test examiners will sit behind that wall, watching your every move." He pointed at the white wall to their right. "It's enchanted, they can see you, but you can't see them."

"Like a two-way mirror," Rose, who was standing beside Scorpius, said in a murmur. She was thinking out loud. Scorpius loved when she did this, he thought it was the cutest thing.  

"Whilst one student does the obstacle course the rest of the will stand outside," Lupin continued. "There is a screen, you'll also be watching, but the course is different for everyone, so you won't get an advantage for watching your colleagues... Alright!" He clapped his hands. "Who will go first?"

Scorpius was too distracted to notice that everyone took a step back. 

"Scorpius, great!" Lupin exclaimed. "Everyone, go sit on the chairs outside... Chip chip... Off you go." 

He then turned to face the blond boy. "Now, Scorpius, there is no need to worry. It's an easy course, you just need to keep yourself calm and keep your head clear. You'll be out in an instant." He placed his hand on Scorpius's shoulder. "Good luck," with that he left the room.

Scorpius stood at the centre of the room, his palms where sweaty and the absolute silence was making him uncomfortable, to add to that, he knew that everyone was watching him. He gripped his wand firmly. 

"The obstacle course will start in ten seconds," Lupin's voice echoed for nowhere in particular. 

Before he even had time to think, the scene around him shifted and he was now in a forest. It was dark, but he could hear footsteps around him. He tried to focus on his surroundings. All around him he could see people running through the bushes, fleeing. He turned back and there were three men pointing their wands at him. The man standing in the middle smirked. 

"Incarcerous!" He wailed. 

A black wave of dust zoomed towards Scorpius right before he yelled: "Protego!" The man fell to the ground and struggled to get out of the invisible ropes. 

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